Word Of The Day: Turbid 2-16-24

Synonyms: murky, muddy, thick, cloudy, clouded, etc.


The turbid liquid,

Stirred before me.

I used to find comfort,

Instead I have misery.

The joy is gone;

The laughter too.

I’m left with murky,


Cloudy Coffee.

It’s bitter,

It’s brown.

Now all I do is frown.

Goodbye my old friend.

I’ll never drink you again.


Obviously this poem is about coffee, but it’s truly about the lost love for coffee. When I became pregnant with my daughter I gave up coffee. It was difficult, because I enjoyed the smell, the flavor, and just the warm drink in the morning.

I switched to a tea; which is good, but not yummy like I remember the coffee being. But I’ve been caffeine free for almost 8 years. Well for the most part.

If we are on a trip or my husband desperately needs my help I have a mocha frappe with real coffee. All the sugar and caffeine makes me an energizer bunny. But I’ve also given up sugar. So that option is no more. Now I have to drink plain old coffee.

Which I used to love! I’d have coffee with milk. Simple. But now that’s so bitter to me.

I’ve had an occasional decafe coffee and I never can drink all of it, so I’ve given up. I think coffee is not meant for me.

Which makes me feel boring. Like coffee was the thing that connected me to people my age. And I already have a tough time talking to people…now I’ve chopped out the simplest conversation starter. Haha!

Well after all that…I’m just sad to say goodbye to coffee. It’s been a part of my life since I was 15. Now a part of me is gone.

Enjoy your weekend. Enjoy a cup of coffee!!

Just a few cups I’ve gotten over the years. I need to cross out boyfriend and write husband….I love giant cups!!

One thought on “Word Of The Day: Turbid 2-16-24”

  1. Sigh…..so sorry, but happy for you at the same time.
    When I can’t have coffee for one reason or another, I drink steaming hot beef broth and it is actually really satisfying. Not coffee, but yummy nonetheless. 🙂

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