Just Keep Swimming…

What is your favorite form of physical exercise?

All around. 100% swimming.

It’s strengthens everything; arms, legs, back, core. Lungs, flexibility, balance. When you swim it’s an everything body workout.

But in all honesty where we live, our city pool is only open 3 months of the year…they should really enclosed it.

So my year round exercise is… stress, panic, and ”running” chasing after my son…😑 He is not even a year and half and he is getting into everything. Like our bed. We finally got ourselves a nice bed frame. And it’s maybe 3.5 ft tall. He proceeds to climb it…then he stands on the edge of the bed to claim his victory.

So my days are spent in fear and panic of what he is getting into. Like last night he wouldn’t go to sleep so we played in the living room a bit longer. And the moment I wasn’t watching, he had moved the packed up air mattress, stood upon it to grab something off a surface above him, a….battery powered drill. The husband didn’t put it away…and obviously what daddy uses must be the coolest things ever…so naturally my son needs to play with it too.

But I got up from the floor at lightning speed and cleaned up the disaster and future disasters in a record time.

So that’s what I feel like my exercise is currently. Flash style reflexes done at lightning speed. Mix in some fear and panic, and you can loose some weight this way. Believe me I have.

We’ve been also doing various lifestyle changes but I’ve lost 6lbs in 2 weeks. 😳 not a good thing when still feeding a baby, but I think it’s just my son’s doing.

Our harvest festival is coming up. And I saw this shirt yesterday and I approve of this shirt. Haha 😂

So true.

I’m working a booth again this year, so I’ll have my own bowl to steal candy from. But all moms out there…while they are little and not eating candy…this is your right.

I Would Love To Try…

What could you try for the first time?

I know would is different than could. But trying things cost money…so I’ve been sticking to what I know, or make what I have work for what I want to try.

But if I could, I would try professional ballroom dancing. I love to dance. All types of styles! Ballroom, Latin, Swing….I like to watch hip hop, but I don’t know if I’m able to actually dance it well.

At one point in my life, I would go out dancing. I would be out swing dancing until almost 11pm every weekend. But I loved ballroom dancing the best. I felt so elegant and fancy.

To do it professionally would be fun. Not to do it to win! per say, but to do it because I love to dance.

But obviously I’m a full time mama, and I want more kiddos, so my figure is not what most professional dancers look like.

But it would be fun to try. I’ve even got the shoes already…they were my wedding shoes.

But still happy to be a mama. Never going to change that.

Maybe I could get the husband to….🤔😏

Digital Art: emily2jane

Word Of The Day: Foliage 10-14-23

Synonyms: leaves, greenery, herbage, vegetation, leafage, etc.


The sky is the deepest blue;

With every so often a cloud.

White, fluffy, and soft;

Flying for all to see.


The air is crisper;

Sending chills down my spine.

Time for jackets;

And always warm hugs.


The ground seems harder;

Impossible as it may seem.

Preparing for winter;

To withstand the feet of snow.


The fluttering leaves have all disappeared.

The trees stand bare.

Only the pine trees;

Engulfing our home,

Still wear their greenery proudly.


Today seemed like a poem day. It’s warmer today but thinking back two days ago it was cold enough that we had our first fire for the season.

I really love fall. Watching the trees change, watching the animals hide away. But also just watching God’s creations change. ❤️

Have a wonderful Monday!!

Photography By: emily2jane

A picture from our many road-trips.

Do I Have to Admit This…

What have you been putting off doing? Why?

Exercising. And teaching my daughter…

The latter is worse. But we’ve been so busy lately. My daughter is only four years old so I technically don’t have to be consistent until next September, but I’ve been trying to do some things before then. But “some” being the key word. It’s only occasionally and not at all consistent.

It’s difficult with my husband’s schedule being so funky. On his days off we do projects; so no school. On his night shifts I let my daughter spend the morning time with her daddy. And then the rest of the day is filled with our normal chores.

So I’m hoping to spend these next 11 months figuring things out.

But for me personally, it’s exercise. I want to get back into exercising, but again I never seem to have the time. And o know, most people say you always have a small window of time. True. But sleep is important.

Wake up. Wake daughter up. Make breakfast. Feed children. Eat my breakfast while cleaning up kitchen. 10-1pm on most days filled with playing with dad or a longer day until 3pm on projects. Also add in the middle my sons long nap time. 4pm let chickens out, and do outdoor chores or projects. Head back inside around 5:30pm. Start dinner. Finish dinner, eat. Watch a short educational show with kids. Start bedtime 7:30pm. In bed 9:30pm. Asleep by 10:30pm. Repeat. My days are the same all the time. So yes, maybe I could fit some exercise in there. And once it’s winter I will have more free time.

But for now my exercise is the projects I do. I’m constantly moving. Maybe even lifting things. So I think I’m good. I need to be able to stay fit for my kiddos. I don’t want to be a lump.

So yes, I’ve been putting these things off, but I’ve been trying to find different solutions that fit in my current schedule.

Have a wonderful Sunday! ❤️

Photography By: emily2jane
“Idaho Running River”

Can I Say Two Different Times?

When was the first time you really felt like a grown up (if ever)?

I know they mean grown up as an adult but also remember the day I felt grown up as a kid.

I’ve already mentioned the day in detail on a previous blog post. But it was the day I stood between my dad and siblings. That day flared up my protective instincts. But felt like I grew up that day.

The day I felt like a grown up….not a very deep emotion day. But the day we bought our first couch. I don’t know why but that seemed to make me believe I had grown up.

But it’s strange. It wasn’t when we got married. It wasn’t when we bought our first house. Or moved away to a different state. Or had my daughter. But the couch came before our son. But I didn’t really feel like anything changed until the couch.

Normally when your young you buy fun things. I spoiled my husband….a lot. But I never had the desire to buy the grown up things.

But when the couch arrived I felt, “wow I’m old.” Haha! Blinds. Blinds are also something I feel like you have grown up if you want to change your blinds.

But I wonder when I’ll feel I’ve grown up to older adult life…


If you had a million dollars to give away, who would you give it to?

My mom.

She deserves it!!

I always have this dream. That if I win the lottery, what would I do.

First, I would buy my mom’s house; she could live there forever. I’d pay off debt. I would buy her a car just like mine. I would pay for all remodeling she wants to do to the house. And I would set aside money for her to get allowance for the rest of her life. She deserves this and more. So much more. ❤️

But also most importantly, my husband could choose to work or not. His choice. I know he has many dreams and ideas that he cannot do because he provides for the family. And he would invest some of it; into various things. He would want the money to continue to earn.

Next, I would pay of our debts. And also add square footage to our house and shop. We would still do the work ourselves. Just because we would be made out of money doesn’t mean we would be wasteful.

I might splurge and get myself one of those awesome craft stations….I’ve always eyeballed one.


But maybe the husband could build one for cheaper….

But other than that I don’t really have anything that screams out to me like I need.

But I would want to keep living the same. No one would know that we won the lottery. I would want to still be me. And our kids would still grow up the same.

I know. I’m pretty boring when it comes to what you want when you win.

But for me, if my husband is happy, I’m good. If my mom has no more worries I’m good. And if my family can live comfortably, I’m good.