Life As a Mama #2

I made a dumb deal with my husband when the baby was born…I would change all the diapers but he has to deal with any dead animals, spiders, etc. I thought it was a great deal in the beginning but now my life is forever diaper based. 😓

He occasionally does it…begrudgingly, but he does.

I tried to make this task not so dreary; I put the trash can away from my changing station. Mostly I did that to keep the trash can away from my smart cookie, but I try and make the diapers in with a toss. However I’m realizing that if I miss I need to walk over and throw it away quickly, because I’ve caught my sneaky thing trying to grab them through the gate.🤢 Not something a baby should play with.

It used to be basketball…swish, swish. Now it’s diapers…smelly, smelly.

Our munch.

Well she is getting so big. My days are packed full. I thankfully get me time here and there, but it always seems like it’s not enough. I guess that’s what happens when you begin parenthood.

However, all of her new portions in her personality makes it all worth it.

She now does that cute bouncing dance; the one that all babies seem to do. She loves Disney music, old rock and roll, and country. Occasionally we will play a techno song and she just runs around the room like she got a burst of energy.

She recognizes certain animals; she is definitely a dog person. Whenever a commercial with dogs comes on she points and bounces with all her giggles. We purposely play YouTube videos of dogs; I think that is her favorite thing to watch.

She talks a bit more. She says dada more than mama, she usually just yells at me. It’s crazy as a mama I can understand her even though she can’t talk; however, she has said yes occasionally. Usually when I ask her if she is hungry or if she wants to FaceTime grandma. Calling grandma is one of her favorite things to do. 💕

Last new thing is we have discovered she has just as much patience as my husband does. 😂 I was hoping she would get both of our amounts of patience and have double it, but no, she is quick tempered at this age. I understand she gets frustrated because she knows how to do something but can’t make her body do what she is thinking.

We have a smart cookie. She will sit and figure something out and once she has she masters it. Like escaping…she is just like me in this habit.

Sending love to my mama ❤️ you had me, and now I have her. I see so much of me in her. She is a troublemaker.

Lots of love 💕