Tag Archives: Joureny

Done Many Dumb Things…But No.

Have you ever broken a bone?

I’ve never actually truly broken a bone. I’ve been hurt. Severely hurt, but it’s never been broken.

I can think back through my childhood and remember sprains and deep bruises, and torn muscles. But no broken bones.

I wore roller blades in the house without a helmet on the second story, and fell down the stairs. But miraculously I was okay.

I tried the “sledding” when on a skateboard with my dog towing me, and she went so fast I fell off the skateboard and scraped almost all my skin off my limbs but no broken bones.

Swimming, I hit someone in the head with my thumb so hard they got a huge bruise, and my thumb throbbed, but no broken bones.

I ran into a teammates shoulder (with my face) and got my lip pressed into my braces. Lots of blood but nothing broke. Not even the braces.

I punched myself in the face with a paint scraper. Gave myself a minor concussion and lost some blood. An Ambulance had to come and take me to the hospital because I passed out while standing. But no broken bones.

I hurt my back enough that it stopped my swimming career, but the doctors couldn’t find the culprit.

There’s several more things. I know I sprained the same elbow more than four times. But it was never enough to break any bones.

Probably why my kids are so resilient. Their bones are strong like their mama.

I guess the only time it might have counted was when I was really little. I don’t know exactly what age…eight…ten…? Something like that. Just imagine two brothers and one sister. Plus two hula hoops over lapped. The brothers were on the outside, the sister (me) in the middle. The brothers begin to play tug-o-war. The sister trips and falls, and the brothers fall on top of her. Which causes the sister to bust up her lip and twist and chip a tooth. So much blood.

I still have it to this day. I could get it capped but it doesn’t bother me. It also has memories. Yes, some bad memories, but also I remember playing with my brothers. That day was almost twenty years ago. Wow. Time does fly.

So I guess I did break something. One tooth. I’m doing pretty good for being a adventurous child. I did so many dumb things in the past.

Enjoy your Sunday!! I will be having a quiet peaceful Sunday with my kiddos. ❤️ Also!

Happy Birthday Mama!!! 💕

Digital Art
By: emily2jane

Word Of The Day: Turbid 2-16-24

Synonyms: murky, muddy, thick, cloudy, clouded, etc.


The turbid liquid,

Stirred before me.

I used to find comfort,

Instead I have misery.

The joy is gone;

The laughter too.

I’m left with murky,


Cloudy Coffee.

It’s bitter,

It’s brown.

Now all I do is frown.

Goodbye my old friend.

I’ll never drink you again.


Obviously this poem is about coffee, but it’s truly about the lost love for coffee. When I became pregnant with my daughter I gave up coffee. It was difficult, because I enjoyed the smell, the flavor, and just the warm drink in the morning.

I switched to a tea; which is good, but not yummy like I remember the coffee being. But I’ve been caffeine free for almost 8 years. Well for the most part.

If we are on a trip or my husband desperately needs my help I have a mocha frappe with real coffee. All the sugar and caffeine makes me an energizer bunny. But I’ve also given up sugar. So that option is no more. Now I have to drink plain old coffee.

Which I used to love! I’d have coffee with milk. Simple. But now that’s so bitter to me.

I’ve had an occasional decafe coffee and I never can drink all of it, so I’ve given up. I think coffee is not meant for me.

Which makes me feel boring. Like coffee was the thing that connected me to people my age. And I already have a tough time talking to people…now I’ve chopped out the simplest conversation starter. Haha!

Well after all that…I’m just sad to say goodbye to coffee. It’s been a part of my life since I was 15. Now a part of me is gone.

Enjoy your weekend. Enjoy a cup of coffee!!

Just a few cups I’ve gotten over the years. I need to cross out boyfriend and write husband….I love giant cups!!

So tired.

I’ve been having trouble sleeping. I know why, but it’s been difficult to change my weird schedule.

I’ve been staying up late until 1-2am and my son wants to wake up at 5am. But I’ve been doing that for maybe the last week.

At night it’s my alone time, and when I divulge in binge watching shows.

But man it’s hitting me today. The husband wanted to play video games last night so I went into the room early. And magically I was tired at 11pm. And I went to sleep. And I woke up just before 7am. And I’m still exhausted.

I’ve been trying to put my son in his own bed, but the motion of laying him down wakes him up instantly. So I have to wait until he is dead asleep. which is about 1am.

So tired.

I know!!

Describe an item you were incredibly attached to as a youth. What became of it?

Mr. Pinky!!

I got a big pink bear for my first Christmas. My mom says I fell into him and gave him snuggles instantly!!

I don’t know why my giant pink bear became a boy bear but that’s what’s his name was and still is.

Yep! I still have him. My kiddos play with him now. I also have pictures of my kiddos giving Mr. Pinky hugs and kisses.

He still looks good for being so old. He has dirt marks that I guess I couldn’t get clean. Lipstick marks because when I was little I would find a lipstick smear it all over my face and give Mr. Pinky extra big kisses. Haha!

But he also is slowly falling apart at some seams so I sacrificed a pair of my shorts and he now has shorts on. It was kind of disturbing to me that the shorts fit him perfectly… I’m the same size as my giant bear…not cool.

But we will have to see how long he is around. Maybe he will get snuggles and kisses from grand babies in the future. I don’t know what is the final plan for Mr. Pinky. But he will stay with me as long as possible. Or unless one of my grandkids in the future desperately needs him. We shall see.

Mr. Pinky!! Many years and counting…


What is your all time favorite automobile?

A 2010 bright orange mustang. I actually have a picture of me standing next to one; when I was 17! I was determined to have one. Orange was my favorite color!

Instead, my first vehicle wasn’t until I was 27. And… I got an efficient car. At least it was cherry red. That’s somewhat close to orange… right?

Also a mustang would have impossible with kids. Folding over in half to put a baby in…Nope! Not happening.

So I didn’t get my dream car, but I love Jams. (That’s what I’ve named my car) Jams’ is awesome! We got Jams because of the gas mileage. A full tank of gas can go over 400 miles! And when we got Jams is was about $12 to fill up. Now, it more like $30; but that tank of gas will last me 1-2 months.

Look at me…bragging about my Jams. Haha 😂 but definitely Jams is now my dream car. So much so, I wish I could gift one to my mama. 🩷

And if you were curious…

The name Jams comes from the live action Aladdin movie. The scene with all the jams. If you’ve seen it, you know!

Well. My dream car was just that. A dream. But my reality car is perfect for me, my life, and family.

Cherry Orange Red

Positively Impacted My Life??

Obviously, my husband would be an easy answer. He has great impacted my life for the better. But I think I want to use this time to say my older brother.

My older brother had a great influence in my life. He was always the role model of a strong man in my life. As you all know, my dad was not someone in my life and I had no desire for him to be present either. So to me my older brother filled that role. If I needed help, he was the one I went to.

Now that I am living miles and miles away from my old home; I am realizing how much time I spent with my older brother. During my early teenage years, I would spend time watching him play the piano; Sometimes I would chime in and sing if a song I knew came up. Strangely I felt comfortable enough to sing in front of my brother, but never for anyone else. I would sit and watch him play World of Warcraft; it was incredibly boring, except for the beautiful colors and the imaginative creativity that they had to design the game. We would play board games together. That became a normal thing; my brother had game nights with his buddies over the years, and I was cool enough to tag along.

I have to say it is pretty amazing that I was able to tag along, because when I was a child i tormented my brother. I am amazed that we had such a strong relationship as I grew up; because I know at one point, he probably wanted to strangle me.

But even when I went through the stupid dating experience too young; I remember my brother coming up to me saying, “If you need me to do anything I’m there for you.” I felt so protected in that moment. My older brother was always a shy introvert like me; so, to know he would step up and be my protector made me swell with pride for him.

I even had thought that I wanted my husband to ask my brother for permission to marry me, but it was my mom’s role. But my brother would have been the second person in line.

I also had thought about having my brother give me away at my wedding. Again, I had always seen my mom give me away, but again my brother would have been my next choice.

I can’t really label what in my life has been influenced by him, because to me without him I probably would have seen men different. If life had just been us leaving a verbally abusive dad without a strong male example for me; I’m scared to think who I would have become. I have to thank my brother so much!

I love you big brother!!

Digital Art
By emily2jane

Strange Thought Today…

I feel like I wasted a few hours binge watching a show. It was a current modern show. About a girl finding love young. 16. And she made so many mistakes. I don’t know if it’s because I’m older, or I was 16 once, but I couldn’t enjoy the show. That as I watched it I was hoping she would change. But she kept making mistakes.

And then when she was at the crossroads moment; she calls her mom for advice and her mom says, “I want you to have several loves before settling on the one”…wow. The mom could have done some good parenting and helped her daughter, but instead gave her the worst advice. My advice would have been, “don’t decide anything now. You are still young. Just leave it alone and just live life dating free, until you figure out who you are and what you want.”

Is that so difficult. Maybe I’m naive. I know I didn’t listen to my mom’s advice when I was 16. But as a mama now, I would tell my daughter the deep hard stuff. Even if all she wants is a pat on the back. Because to me that’s not good parenting.

When I started the show I had this thought. “Maybe I’ll use this show as an example to my daughter in the future.” Show her that you don’t need to date at 16. That it is better to wait. I wish I had. I wish my husband had been my first one.

But that thought is gone. As the show continued the girl kept going against my views on life. Now it just makes me worried about the future. But I have to trust that my husband and I will continue to do good parenting. That my daughter will know what is important in life.

Also for my son. The boys in the show were not the greatest. But they too didn’t have great parenting. I want to parent my son so that he knows how to treat women in his future.

I’m terrified of them growing up. Also them growing up in today’s world. The world is going crazy! But I will continue to educate my kiddos on morals and character.

But I have a piece of hope for them. My kiddos are strong-willed, stubborn, intelligent, but still warm with love. And I hope they continue to be that way. Because they will not be bullied into changing their points of views. I know that may come back to bite me, but I want them prepared for whatever their world will look like.

This is just a worried mama post. Haha! Enjoy your weekend. I’m going to be staying away from new shows. They always disappoint me. This was the first new thing I’ve watched since 2017. That was the last time I saw a movie in a theater. I’ll just stick to what I like and watch the same things over and over again.

Another random question to think about. I saw a short video on someone asking this question. “What was the last movie you saw in theaters that the entire audience applauded?”I can only remember 2 movies; they left a strong impression on me. Spoilers.

#1 Star Wars: The Last Jedi. The moment Luke Skywalker dusts off his shoulder. That moment was epic. The audience erupted!! It was a moment to remember. This was the last movie I saw at a theater.

#2 Harry Potter: The Deathly Hallows Part 2. The audience erupted at the start. I went opening night. It was amazing!! But then also when He Who Must Not Be Named (trying to not spoil) died. The moment it happened everyone screamed or WHOO! at the screen. Again epic!

But that is the last time I remember it happened. As you read in a previous post I like a wide range of movies. But it’s been a while since I was wowed!!

Just think to yourself. What was yours??

What will they say about me…?

Tell us one thing you hope people say about you.

I was:

A stubborn believer. I won’t change my beliefs for anyone. I will always, and to the end be a believer in Christ Jesus the Lord!!

A loving smartypants wife. I am a lovingly wife. My husband knows. But I can also be a pain. Haha 😂 in a sarcastic way. Sarcasm is our second language.

A daughter. I love my mama!! She is still my best friend. It’s difficult to be so far from her. Not what I had first thought my future would be like. But she is supportive and adamant of our dream on living away. 🥰

A somewhat patient, but warm mama; and an above average homemaker. I try. Being a mama is hard. I’m still trying to figure it out. And it will only continue to get harder; if we keep adding kids. But I still love this job. Even though some days I feel like I have no hair by the end of the day. Also the home maker job….it’s hard to juggle the mama responsibilities with all the other chores. Again I’m not perfect. I probably have the kitchen requirements to 85% but the rest of the house is only at 70%. But not bad. But the husband keeps trying to help me.

An artist. I want to be an artist. I would love to be an anonymous artist. That only you on this blog would know. But that my art could speak for itself. Because also…I’m incredibly busy. Finding time to paint will be hard enough. But I do desperately want to get my art out there!!

I don’t what else is there….I think this sums me up!!

Have a great day!

Digital Art: 🩷
By: emily2jane

Short Story #1

To the guy who may come looking for me, no matter how long it takes.



It was summer. I was thousands of miles away from home. My mom had planned my summer to be spent as a exchange student. I had asked her, about this is previous years, but she was never willing. Always saying something like, “I can’t send my baby across the US.” But for some reason this year I was allowed.

I’m now 18 years old. Which I guess I’m happy she had me wait until now. Traveling the distance might have been impossible a couple years ago. But I made it and I’ve been here about a month.

The family is great. They really are. The mom reminds me so much of my mom. Except I call her Mrs. Stevens, not mom. The kids are also great. There is Vanessa; she is 15 years old. She’s always gushing over boys. There is Michael; he is 17 years old. It’s nice to have someone close to my own age. Except we have nothing in common. He is into so many things; where as, I’ve been living a very quiet life. Just painting and reading. I don’t know where all my energy had gone these last few years. But then there is Daniel. He is 21 years old. He goes out most nights. But when I do get to talk to him he is a great guy. I would have liked to have him as an older brother.

But that’s it. I guess Mr. Stevens. He is a great man too. ‘This whole family is great’ But Mr. Stevens was a great person. He just worked a lot. I occasionally got to see him; if he got to come home early. Which was not often. But my mom picked the greatest home for me to visit. I hope I can come stay with them again in the future.

It’s just my mom, and my two younger siblings back home. I love them, but I would have loved to have a sibling close to my age growing up. This family is so close.

Today was Tuesday. Nothing special planned today. Instead, I did my daily inspiration book. My mom got it for me, just before I left. She said it might help me be adventurous and explore life. It was a strange gift to get from my mom; she has been telling me the past two years to be sheltered through life. But I actually enjoy the book. I’ve been going through it this last month. Today’s title read, “Do a brave thing today!” The entry was pretty much as you can imagine. Do something out of your comfort zone. Seize the day! Take the initiative. ‘So be the opposite of myself.’ I think this might be the first entry I don’t attempt.

But I should have known. The moment I finished, the front door swung open. And a guy about Daniels age walked through the door. ‘Wow.’ He was so gorgeous. I’ve never seen anyone like him before. Before he caught my gaping mouth I composed myself. I gathered up my books from the dinning room table and started towards my room.

“Ashley,” Daniel called out to me as he walked through the front door, “you don’t have to leave. You can stay and meet my friends.”

I just realized that a large group of guys stood in the living room. I nodded my head to each of the guys, and then I came to the guy that made my heart flutter. He had sandy blond hair. Tanned skin. He looked strong, but not huge. he had the greenest eyes ever. ‘I’ll probably draw him if I get the chance.’ But I must have been staring to long at him, because a smirk formed on his mouth.

I turned back towards Daniel, “You sure. I can always head back to my room. I don’t want to be in your way.”

“Do you guys mind if Ashley hangs out with us for the day?” He almost yelled towards the group behind him.

A loud chorus, “No!” Rang back.

I laughed. I nodded and placed my books on the table behind me. I began getting some beverages from the fridge. I wasn’t part of this family, but I felt like this was something to do.

But I had a feeling…like something was waiting for me when I turned around. I place the red solo cups and juices on the island; I poured myself a cup of lemonade. I turned and there he was standing where he had been before. He was talking to one of the other guys. But he looked in my direction; he quickly looked away like I had caught him. ‘That must have been the feeling.’ I smirked to myself. I carried my lemonade with me and walked past the guy with the greenest eyes. I walked over to Daniel. But that feeling was still there. ‘He must be watching me.’ I didn’t look again. I had no chance with someone like him.

I was introduced to most of the guys. They were all really cool. A group of friends I wish I had at school or in my neighborhood. Thankfully I wasn’t introduced to green eyes; I don’t know if I would have been able to stay composed. I’ve never been one to gush; I’ve never had this feeling before. My quiet life was that, quiet.

But the day was great day. I spent most of it with the guys. We played board games, watched a movie, played video games, they asked me questions about Maine. Mostly told them it’s the complete opposite of California.

But that feeling had been there throughout the day. I would feel it, and then it would be gone. Once I peeked over my shoulder and those green eyes locked with mine. I didn’t want to make it weird, so I smiled back, nodded, and returned back to my conversation. I had peeked over my shoulder once more, and green eyes had a smirk in his mouth as he spoke to the guy beside him. I smiled too and returned back to the conversation around me.

Well the day continued and several of the guys dissipated. But then dinner time came rolling around, and it was a mass exodus. I waved goodbye to the guys as each one left. Some called out to me as the left, “Maybe we’ll come visit you in Maine!”

I laughed. That would be fun, but probably not going to happen. I just smiled and waved them out the door. The last one pulled the door closed behind him. I hadn’t seen green eyes leave, but he must have snuck out of the house throughout the day. The feeling had been gone a while. I was sad to say the least, but I was happy that I hadn’t made a fool of myself.

Just then Mrs. Stevens rushed through the door layered up with groceries.

“Mrs…” I rushed over to help her.

“More in the car…!” Mrs. Steven’s huffed out as she continued to the island.

I nodded and went outside to grab some of the groceries from her car. There was only four bags left. ‘Haha! Why did Mrs. Stevens always carry all the bags.’ But I too decided to do the same thing. I gathered up the four bags onto my wrists and hands. They were maybe a smidge too heavy for me. But I was going to try. I placed them on the ground and pushed the button to close the hatch. I scooped up the bags just as a hand reached out and grabbed onto my hand. I yanked my hand away startled only to see the hand belonged to the green eyed guy from before.

“Hi. I never formally introduced myself earlier,” he grabbed three of the bags from my hands. “I’m Andrew.” And he turned and walked back to the house.

I stood there a moment. ‘Huh? Wait what?’ I started towards the front door. ‘Well I’m sure I failed that idea of being composed.’ I walked back through the front door and it was confirmed. Andrew had a huge grin on his face, and as I walked inside his eyes sparkled for a moment and he smirked in my direction. ‘Oh. Kill me now. Definitely a fail.’

Dinner was great. Mrs. Stevens made delicious burgers. Definitely a recipe I want to try when I go back home. ‘Home. I didn’t want to leave in two months.’ I wanted to stay longer. I wanted to…. ‘Be honest. You want to stay to get to know Andrew.’ And that was definitely the truth. I know I shouldn’t have, but I was already, and totally into him. I shouldn’t. Because I would be leaving. I didn’t want my first relationship to only last two months. I wanted my first one to be my last one. But that wasn’t going to be possible with him.

I don’t know why I was thinking these things. I didn’t even know him. He probably had a girlfriend. But then that question was answered for me by Daniel. He had asked if Andrew was dating anyone, and Andrew answered with a no; that he hadn’t found a special one to start anything with. ‘Well that’s at least promising. No! Stopping thinking about it. It’s not a possibility!’ I started to feel dizzy. I excused myself from the table. I headed towards the bathroom and it started. My nose was pouring blood again. This hasn’t happened since I left for this trip, but this was nothing new. I held my hand under my nose as I rushed to the bathroom.

It wasn’t stopping. I continued to shove toilet paper into my nose hoping to stuffer the blood.

A knock on the door startled me, “Yes?” I croaked out.

“Honey,” it was Mrs. Stevens, “you okay in there? You’ve been gone about 10min. Can you let me in?”

I really didn’t want to. I didn’t want her to worry. But also because it look like a murder happened in her bathroom. I had smeared blood all over the floor and what looked like a blood stained sink. But I knew she would be more worried.

I walked over and cracked the door open. She came in through the crack in the door and gasped. But I gasped as I locked eyes with Andrew. Who also stood in the hallway. I broke contact with him and closed the door. ‘I hope this door is sound proof.’ As I turned back around to face Mrs. Stevens anger, but I found her cleaning up all the blood. She wasn’t speaking. Just cleaning. ‘I must be in trouble.’ I tried to help her, but instead she sat me down on the bath tub edge and continued to clean. ‘Probably for the best. I don’t know how much help I would be. I was still dizzy. The travel time must have had a late response.’

Finally it felt like the bleeding stopped. I removed the toilet paper from my nose and washed my face. I had blood smeared on my upper lip. Mrs. Stevens had also finished up the cleaning and had taken and small container from a cabinet. She opened it and rubbed some of the contents on my face. It smelled divine. I felt refreshed. I didn’t want to but I looked up into Mrs. Stevens face. She tried to hide concern but I saw it. I reassured I was fine, and not to worry. But I knew she was worried. She kissed me on the forehead and left me in the clean bathroom.

I looked at myself once more in the mirror, but then I felt that feeling. I turned to find Andrew still leaning against the wall in the hallway. I gasped. And he must have heard it, because his eyes found mine. Concern filled those green eyes. I missed the smirk. I nodded to him, and tried to walk by him. Instead I tripped on my own feet and fell into his arms. ‘Great. Perfect…’ I could feel my face growing warmer. I tried to pry myself out of his arms, but it seemed like my legs were not going to hold me. I slumped more into his arms.

“I know this must seem weird to you. But can I stay here a moment. My feet are fighting against me,” I know it sounded like a stupid excuse, but it was honest at least.

The smirk returned to Andrew’s eyes. But with his nose inches from mine he nodded. He just held me, in silence. I half falling, half stood there listening to his breathing and my own heart.

He broke the silence with a chuckle, “Your dad should be worried about his daughter. Only eighteen and already hugging guys in a hallway,” he smirked again, but still held me.

I’m sure my face reddened. But I don’t know what came over me. I looked up into Andrew’s eyes. Those green eyes and pulled his collar downwards with my hands. And I kissed him. I kissed him. Initially his body stiffened, but it slowly began to relax. My body did the opposite. My body stiffened. I realize what I had just done. I pulled away from Andrew. I don’t know how my legs were working. I didn’t know if they were actually working or not. But I pushed away from him. He looked confused and startled. I couldn’t blame him. I was too. I tried to smile, but instead I just left him there. I was so embarrassed. That was my first kiss. Probably not his. ‘I don’t know.’ All I did know was I needed to get to my room. After what just happened I don’t think I would be able to face anyone. And that’s just what I did. I walked quickly to my room; laid face-down in my bed, and wallowed in my embarrassment. I don’t know when I fell asleep, but I did thankfully.

The next morning I woke up realizing what I had done. I had kissed him. My first kiss was used on a guy that I knew I wasn’t going to end up with. Which really hurt; I wanted to have a one and done experience with love. But what was worse is when I came to breakfast. Mrs. Stevens was standing there with a melancholy look. ‘Did she know what I did last night? Was she sending me home?’

“Good morning, Mrs. Stevens,” I began to gather breakfast makings.

“Honey. I need you to stop and come sit with me a moment.” She gestured to the chair across from her.

This can’t be good.’

.-.-. 2 years later.-.-.


I shouldn’t complain. My life has been great. I know other guys that have struggled to get through college. But for me it was a breeze. Instead for me the dating life was non existent. I’m not trying to come off cocky, but I know I’m pretty good looking. When girls stop and gape at you as you walk by I’m sure that means I’m doing okay in that department. But why is it I can’t find anyone. Everyone I’ve come into contact with can’t compare to her.

I know I should have gone after her that day she left me shocked in the hallway, but I couldn’t move that day. She had kissed me. I had expected something, but not that progressive action. I didn’t want to admit it, back then, but that was a a great kiss. It must have been because anytime a girl tried to kiss me, in the past two years, I would back away.

But the kiss must have embarrassed her so much that she left the next day. Because I came back the next day to discuss things with her and Mrs. Stevens had told me she had to suddenly go back home. So for two years I went through college life waiting for the chance to go see her. I had heard nothing from her. I had hoped she might send letters to the Stevens’ but it seemed like she just fell off the planet.

But now was my chance. Before I started my job, I decided I would travel to Maine to talk to the girl who ruined my college experience. Ashley.

I had gotten the address from Daniel, who I assume had gotten it from Ashley at some point in her stay. I don’t know why I didn’t think to send a letter first. But that seemed to desperate; especially since she made no attempt to contact me. I’d talk to her when I saw her.

I walked up to the front door of a little blue house. I remember hearing Ashley talk about it that day. I knocked on the front door and waited. I heard a little putter patter walk up to the door. There stood a kid maybe eight years old. She looked like she had been crying for days; her face was splotchy red. She was wearing dark clothes.

What does a child have to be sad about?’ “Hello! I’m looking for Ashley. Could you tell her I’m here to see her. My name is Andrew.” That must have been the wrong thing to say because the tears started again. She just stood there wailing. I crouched down trying to comfort her. She pulled away from me, and ran away screaming.

I just stood there confused again. ‘The girls in this family are similar.’ I just waited. But then suddenly a woman, probably Ashley’s mom came to door. And just stood there staring at me. “Hello ma’am. I’m a friend of Ashley’s from California. I was hoping to speak with her.” Again that must have been the wrong thing to say because she began to cry silently. “Ma’ma?” I stepped towards her.

She held up a hand to stop me. “Wait a moment,” she walked away from the opening of the door and came back with an envelope in her hand. “This yours,” she handed me a rather thick yellow envelope. “I’ll find the other thing. I’ll place it on the porch. I’m sorry I’m not more hospitable. But I need to say goodbye for now. I’m not quite able to function yet. Safe travels home,” and she closed the door.

I stood on the porch alone with the envelope. ‘I’m getting a bad feeling.’ I sat down on the steps I had just walked up. I finally looked at the envelope. It was addressed as: To The Guy That May Come Looking For Me, No Matter How Long It Takes.


To Andrew.

You are probably wondering what’s going on. Why did the people you just talked to kept crying. Well as you probably guess, I’m in heaven now. I went back and worth wondering if I should write this letter. But I thought you deserved some answers after I abruptly left that day. I would have wanted answers if our roles had been reversed. So here we go.

I didn’t know any of this until I was suddenly whisked back to Maine after that day. But after that day my life completely changed and so much started to make sense. Why I lived a sheltered life. Why I didn’t have as much energy. Why I had nose bleeds all the time.

I was sick. I had cancer. But my mom decided to keep it from me. She thought I should just live out the rest of my life care-free. That the cancer couldn’t be cured; that I was going to die early. But that I should live every moment to the fullest. And I’m so happy she did, because if I had know sooner I think I would have gone sooner. But I didn’t. And she sent me on a grand adventure to California. Only Mrs. Stevens knew about my condition. Which is why I left the next day; she had called my mom and in a panic they sent me home.

I want you to know. I’m so happy you were there that day. That I got to experience my only love. That I know it is selfish, but I’m happy you were my first and only kiss. Again I didn’t know anything that night. I didn’t know I would never see you again. I didn’t know I was starting something I couldn’t finish. I’m so sorry for that. I didn’t know I meant anything to you or not. And I couldn’t bring myself to string you along with letters; when I knew there was no chance for us. Part of me hoped I meant something to you, but also I had hoped you had moved past that day.

So with this letter I wanted to explain myself. That I wished everyday that my cancer could be cured and I could go back to you. But I knew that was not possible. By the time I got home I declined so much that I was kept in my room. Then just my bed. Then… So instead I switched my wish. I prayed to God that you would have a life filled with joy, hopes, and love. Yes love. You deserve everything. I hope you can find that girl that makes you steal glances at her. Or makes you smirk because she is gaping at you. Or makes you stunned by a kiss. Wait for her. I prayed that you would find her. She will come.

After all this. I hope you can do a favor for me. My mom should have placed the package on the front porch by now. Please keep your portrait. But please sell the rest of the paintings. My family never understood why you had to be the one to do this. But I didn’t want my mom to have to keep all these paintings that would just keep her in sadness. I did give her some already. I painted her happy memories. So please don’t feel obligated to give her any. But if you could do this last favor for me I will be grateful.

I guess that’s it. I don’t really have anything else to say…I want to keep writing. But this letter has taken me several days to write. I wish I could keep talking to you.

But know this. One day is long enough to know if the person is meant for you. I knew the moment I was in your arms. That you were the one for me. And thank you so much for letting me stay true to myself. That I had one love. I was one and done.




Just another random dream. I have the most vivid dreams when I’m starting to wake up.

I think I’ll be doing this more often. Writing a short story is a at easier. It only take a few hours.

Have a wonderful Monday. ❤️ Give your true love today a hug or kiss.

Sammy Part 2

Sammy Part 1:

Favorite Animals


I drove with my mom to go pick up Sammy from the pound. I was still buzzing with excitement.

We had the yard prepared. Her dog house was in the back back yard. Her “pooping area” was hopefully back there as well. It was actually a substantial sized yard for a dog.

But I don’t know what I was expecting, when I finally got her. But as she waddled out of the pound she looked groggy. That was due to the shots and procedure. But the moment she recognized me she was waddling a little faster and licked my hand once beside me.

She remembered me. She was mine!

Instead of putting her in a crate I decided to have her in my lap. I thought crating her would be to traumatic for her. I sat down and then called for her to get in the car too. She was confused to say the least. So instead the backseat it was; which was a bench. Sammy didn’t fight me when I picked her up and placed her on the bench. I sat beside her; she crawled over enough to place her head on my lap. I scratched her ears the whole way home.

“Make sure you vacuum the car out afterwards,” mom said as we drove home.

“Of course, mom.”

Home. We were home. “Sammy, we are home.” Instead of having her walk I picked her up and carried her into the fence of the backyard. I placed her down and walked her around the yard. Letting her smell all the new smells. She wasn’t really interested in anything.

“Mom. I think she just needs a day. Or maybe a couple days to let the drugs wear off in her system. I’ll take her to her dog house, instead. I again scooped her up and carried her into the back back yard. I placed her in front of the dog house. It was a very spiffy dog house. I had gotten her a comfy pillow. It had been a little large but I made her a cocoon. She didn’t move. She just stood there frozen. So like any good owner I crawled into her dog house, circled a few times, and then laid down getting comfy. It was quite comfy. Getting back out was different story. How did my butt for through the door in the first place. Haha! But I managed to get back out; and Sammy instantly copied what I had done. She laid down and then she was out. ‘Good girl.’

I had given her food around dinner time but she was still asleep. So I left it there and went to bed myself. But when I woke up I rushed outside to check on her. She was no where! She wasn’t in her dog house! Her food had not been touched! Oh no! I thought the worst. I thought she ran away.

“SAMMY!” I called!

And suddenly there were little pitter-pat feet coming towards me. Where had she been? But Sammy walked over to me and licked my fingers as a good morning. And she was smiling! Definitely smiling. It melted me heart.

“Let’s go eat some food, Sammy! Do you want to do that,” I walked back to her dog house. She followed and I showed her the bowl of food. She saw the food, and then it was gone! (I discovered I like the sound of dogs eating food; it was quite relaxing.) But again she was a smiling dog. She knew her spot. And it was to sit in front of me with her back pressed into my legs; waiting for her morning scratch. I gave it to her.

But then suddenly she perked up and she dashed off into the front back yard. ‘What?’ And I followed her. Someone was walking by the fence. And Sammy jumped up on the fence to say hello. She wasn’t barking, but instead she was smiling, waiting for scratches. ‘I picked a social dog.’ The woman walking was startled, but then saw me. She waved me over.

“Did you get a new dog?”

I didn’t know this woman. But, “Yes. I got her yesterday.”

She looked at Sammy who was still waiting for some love. “Can I?” Do you know?”

I didn’t know for sure, but I assumed. “I’m guessing she just wants some love, but I’m not completely sure. I assume she would be barking at you if she didn’t want you here, not here smiling at you.”

The woman decided to give Sammy some scratches behind the ear. Sammy leaned into her had and soaked up all the love she was getting. I think Sammy would have stayed in that position if the dog across the street didn’t start barking incessantly at the woman petting Sammy.

Sammy hopped down from the fence and just stood looking at the other dog. Not barking just looking.

“You picked a wonderful dog,” the woman said as she started to walk off.

“Thank you!” I beamed. I knew I had picked the right one. But for a stranger to say it, it just reaffirmed it for me. Sammy was the right one.


I learned several things as time went on. Sammy did not want to be in the back back yard. She wanted to be closer to the fence, where people walked. Because anyone who walked by got big smiles from Sammy. She never barked at anyone. I take that back. She did not like skateboarders. Not matter where she was in the yard, she would sprint to the fence and bark until the skateboard was gone. Haha!

But other than that she was perfect. I gave her a bath the second day of having her. She did not like or appreciate the water. It was a battle to bathe her. But as time went on she didn’t fight me as much. I also brushed her. So that she wouldn’t look mangy. She was a beautiful dog. But to me she was a lab, husky, smidge chow mix.

Learned more things. Like you have to put pavers under the dog house. Because when it rains, if it’s on the ground, the water washes in and soaks the dog pillow. Blah! Another. Sammy hated lightning and fireworks. I lived in the back room of the house, so on those types of nights I had Sammy sleeping next to my bed. And she was the perfect dog. She just laid down. She didn’t wander. She didn’t mess with anything. Also she knew how to tell me she needed to go out. I would be dead asleep, and she would come lick my hand. I would wake up staring into Sammy’s eyes and she would walk over to the door, which led outside. She would stand there until I let her out. She would go do her business, come back to the door, and wait for me to say come back in. She would scurry back inside and find her spot again. I didn’t teach her that. Her previous owners must have.

She protected me from bees. I’m allergic to bees and when being outside I would suddenly gasp or scream because a bee was diving for me. (I don’t know what it is but bees chase me.) But Sammy would eat them for me! She was my protector as well.

She was the perfect dog.

Through the years we moved houses and lived in various cities. But Sammy always came. And the new yards became her domains. But she had less and less social time with people walking. The houses we moved into had privacy fences.

But then my nephews came along, we discovered that Sammy loved being a mama. She allowed my nephews to do everything to her. And she never retaliated . They would pull ears, try to ride her, pull her tail, and she would just sit there allowing it.

We also got kittens at one point. My brother’s cats got pregnant and we had 9 kittens. The mom cats died when the kittens were on hard food. But Sammy took the role. She would lay down and snuggle the kittens, she would lick the kittens clean, she would sleep with them. My dog as a perfect mama.

I continued to learn through the years. She was gentle. She was mischievous. She was delightful. She was my best friend. But she wasn’t just my dog. She was my family’s dog. My mom loved Sammy. My sisters who were not big dog people loved her. I ruined my family for having the perfect dog, because she couldn’t be replaced.

But then I got married, and we were going to move away. I wanted to take Sammy. Desperately! But it would have been a huge change for her. Her life would have changed so much that I didn’t want to make her depressed. So left her with my mom.

It broke my heart. But I didn’t want to ruin her. We had, had her already 11 years. She was old. She had slowed down. But she had also become everyone’s dog. So she wouldn’t have been too depressed me leaving.

Thankfully I got to travel down and see her before her final year. She got to meet my daughter. She licked her fingers. Just like she had done to me.

Every trip down I spent time with Sammy. But she was getting older and older. She had lost her hearing. She had trouble walking. But she was still smiling.

Then I got the call. The call that Sammy was in so much pain that she needed help to be done. I FaceTimed with her for a short visit. She smiled at me. But then she was gone.

We had her for 16 years. She was 17 when she passed. She had the best life. She was loved by so many, and she loved everyone back.

I had the perfect dog. I’m so happy I stuck to guns and was stubborn to get her. Because she was the best. ❤️

Young Sammy
Her last day 💕

She was still a beautiful sweetheart on her last day. I’m just bummed that my kiddos didn’t get to play with her. But I’m lucky to have had her growing up. I was the lucky one.