
How do you celebrate holidays?

All of our holidays have something in common. Can you guess it?!


New Year’s Day:

Growing up we would stay up until midnight the. Rush outside with our pots and pans, clanging them! Celebrating the new year.

However now, I can’t seem to stay up that late. Especially my kiddos. Maybe when they get older we will have a late night game night. Or watch a traditional movie. But for right now, I sleep early. Haha 😂

Valentine’s Day:

Before marriage I would buy my mom and siblings flowers. Every year. Even my brothers. Also make my extended family valentines.

Now that I’m married and I live so far away, I prepare my husband’s favorite food. Chicken Parmesan, rolls, salad, and then a wonderfully delicious chocolate lava cake. But I also try to send valentines to my family. My daughter loves to help with those.


(If a child is reading this, you may want them to skip this passage. Due to childhood believing.)

Younger years: I believed in the Easter bunny for a long time. I don’t know if I believed there was one or if I liked the fantasy of it all. But church was always first, then a huge egg hunt!

Now as a mama, I try to dye the eggs the Saturday before. Those ones are only for food purposes. Since where we live we have wild animals I don’t want to miss an egg and have a bear or snake visit us. We use plastic eggs outside. We go to church then come home to an egg hunt. That’s the same. The only difference is if snow is still on the ground by Easter; then obviously we have an indoor Easter. But the Easter feasts are the main purpose! I try to replicate my childhood meals to my grownup years.


We don’t just celebrate our own birthdays. We also celebrate my siblings and mom’s birthdays. So most of the year is filled with cake. January, March, May, June, July, August, October, November, December. Lots of cake!!

Fourth of July:

Childhood years were pretty consistent. City parade. Delicious foods for lunch, which the leftovers would also be dinner. Fireworks in the park; until they were illegal. Staying up and having lots of family fun!

Now as a mama, parade in a city park. It is a huge parade that lasts almost 1hr. Or more. Go home and eat delicious bbq ribs that the husband makes!! I can’t eat ribs anywhere else. My mom can attest to the deliciousness of them. Hanging at the house for most of the afternoon. Then heading back to the park for an 1hr firework show. We also set off fireworks on our property the night before.

October 31st:

My childhood was for the most part church functions. Every church I went to would have a event on October 31st but it was never scary or disturbing. If church is part of your life, I think it’s best to have your kids participate in church activities on October 31st. Because once your kiddos grow up they tend to go trick or treating with friends. And I personally think it help me discern what was not okay. But anyways back to childhood memories. As a family we would all dress up and have a fun evening eating candy.

Grown up now…I still like church functions. Ours is called the harvest festival. I do the face painting. My kiddos go off with their dad and get candy. No fish! But it’s always lots of fun. We only do that; we don’t go additional trick or treating. We just have lots of wonderful family time.


My childhood years we always had delicious foods. My mom was amazing at having a spread of cheeses and fruit before the dinner meal. All is kids would be playing or watching a movie while my mom and older sisters slaved away. But the meats and gravy. And mashed potatoes. Stuffing….my mouth is drooling 🤤

But now as the mama I too keep up the tradition and I cook all the foods. Everything is from scratch. Minus the pumpkin pies. I don’t make them from pumpkins…haha 😂 But I try and have everything timed to be done at the same time. I make enough food for maybe 15 people and it’s just us four. We eat thanksgiving foods for several weeks after thanksgiving.


(If a child is reading this, you may want them to skip this passage. Due to childhood believing.)

Childhood memories. I also believed in Santa for a long time. I think I was 12 or so when I finally decided that I was old enough to stop believing. But I wanted to keep the gifts magical. Also helped when my nephews were born. But we would wake up and open gifts. We wouldn’t rush through them. We would each take turns and watch as each other got their gifts. We would devour candy all throughout the morning into lunchtime. And we would wait for the delicious dinner that was being prepared. Slowly dinner was changed to delicious Chinese food in downtown. Less dishes.

Now as the mama I love to watch my kiddos open their presents. I like getting presents from people but I love giving presents more. The sparkle in my daughter’s eye as she sees all the gifts from Santa makes me so happy. I want that imagination to keep stirring. We don’t eat lots of candy. My daughter turns crazy with any amount of sugar. But I do devour a bag of Hershey kisses all by myself. I eat about 7 to a mouthful. 😊 Then we eat a small lunch. Then dinner. I have kept the tradition of Chinese food alive. But I make it all from scratch. Christmas dinner is the hardest for me. My husband knows to leave me alone while making the meal. I run around like a chicken with no head. But it is always delicious.

Well there you go. Can you guess what is the common ground? Food! Delicious food! Probably why I can’t seem to lose weight. I’m always eating food through the year.

Well I hope this answers the prompt. Have a delicious Wednesday. We are getting firewood again. It’s going to be another long tough day.

Photography By: emily2jane

This Evening?

What are you doing this evening?

This Wet Wednesday Evening….

We left the house around noon today in search of standing dead trees…for yes, firewood.

I will suggest, if you are on a hunt for firewood leave first thing. Because if you have an almost 1 1/2 year old, the little guys don’t last long. But the husband had to finish fixing the brakes on the trailer. (The reason for leaving so late.)

But here I sit in the truck, after 6 hours of getting some firewood. Not a lot, but at least we got some.

The husband and I have it down! He cuts down the tree, then he carries the log a short distance away, then I pick them up and take them the rest of the way to the truck. The logs are roughly 6ft long and maybe 6” in diameter. So a decent log; and I can move them. 😎 I feel so awesome when I help the husband.

But yes, our evening was attempting to fill a trailer with wood. Our 21ft trailer looks giant now with the maybe 6 trees worth of firewood. But it’s something.

We are having Subway for the drive home. Our go to…”oh, we won’t be home until after 7pm!!” dinner decision.

But maybe once in bed the husband and I will watch a movie together. If I’m still awake.

Not a normal evening for the normal person. But luckily, I’m not normal. 😊

Have a wonderful Wednesday evening.

Photography By: emily2jane “The Tree”

The picture is of a tree we really wanted to get, but it was too big. And the brush around it was about 7ft deep. But oh…it was a glorious looking tree. A tree that many people have probably driven by saying, “I want that tree!!”

We did. Haha 😂

Photography By: emily2jane
Driving Home”

Ideal Week or Realistic Week…?

Describe your ideal week.

To me when I say ideal I actually mean imaginary. Let us dream together…

I would wake up every morning early and do some exercises before the kiddos wake up. (Never seems to happen. Haha 😂)

I do actually make a decent breakfast everyday. Lunches are whatever I have in the fridge though. But ideally I would like to feed my kids at the same time everyday. (But the husbands schedule doesn’t allow that.)

I would want to have a schedule planned out for my daughter’s school week everyday. But she is only 4 years old so I can’t plan too much for her. (Instead I tend to choose things randomly. But we will start reading here soon.)

Most moms seem to have a schedule of activities through the day, but I can’t seem to do the same repetitive thing. I like to switch it up. I like to have a project outside to be worked on through the week. Something that we can accomplish even while daddy is at work. (This one I actually do. But I ran out of materials yesterday. 😑)

I would like to stand firm on the no movies until the weekend. But it being fall, we have been getting fluke rain storms or blazing hot, that once we are back inside I need a rest period, and the tv always turns on…(once she can read her world will open up.)

I want to be inspired to make dinner every night. Some nights I am inspired, or the husband has chosen. But some nights I just make a normal easy thing. But there is always food on the table. (Never at the same time. Haha 😂 )

Well…ideally and realistically are different, but I still seem to get some things done. My daughter has chores now, and one of them is cleaning up the living room and her room everyday. So the house is at least never messy. She now has 7 chores everyday. Some easy some hard, teaching her young.

Also not listed: put shoes away on shelf. When we come inside it’s her chore to put the shoes away.

I love the hug one ❤️

And I do have another list on the fridge for what I hope to start doing again.

Obviously things will change as seasons change.

I’m trying to get more scheduled. But everything takes time. And she won’t truly be in kindergarten until she is 5. So I have some time to figure things out.

And with my husband’s schedule we don’t ever stick to things. On his days off I treat it like the weekends. (Even though they are not) and his days working we do school. And it changes every month.

So I ideally would like, to feed my family, get some school done, and do some projects.

So I’m doing okay.

Photography By: emily2jane 09-11-23