Category Archives: Life As A Mama

So tired.

I’ve been having trouble sleeping. I know why, but it’s been difficult to change my weird schedule.

I’ve been staying up late until 1-2am and my son wants to wake up at 5am. But I’ve been doing that for maybe the last week.

At night it’s my alone time, and when I divulge in binge watching shows.

But man it’s hitting me today. The husband wanted to play video games last night so I went into the room early. And magically I was tired at 11pm. And I went to sleep. And I woke up just before 7am. And I’m still exhausted.

I’ve been trying to put my son in his own bed, but the motion of laying him down wakes him up instantly. So I have to wait until he is dead asleep. which is about 1am.

So tired.

This Would Be Awesome!!

Come up with a crazy business idea.

That the government had to pay stay at home moms a salary. I know, I know. If you magically come up with something for the government to do it just makes taxes go higher…

Instead let’s say this…If you are a stay at home mom, your husband gets a tax break.

Because, us, stay at home moms do so much. And I wish I could help out my husband financially. I know I do in a sense. We don’t have to pay for daycare, cooking, cleaning, laundry, gym, school, etc. It was about 2 years ago, when I looked up to see how much money would a stay at home mom make; and it was about $160,000 a year. I just looked now, and it’s saying closer to $180,000.

Really. Tax break would be awesome!! Like you naturally get, say $20,000 tax refund plus your other additional tax return. I think that sounds amazing!!

Just something extra for all our hard work. An extra incentive for having the greatest and hardest job of all time!! Seriously!! My days seem to be like Tetris…how much can I fit into a day?!?

So I don’t know if this actually counts as a business idea. But it would be truly awesome!!

Just an idea…


We are tough,

We are strong.

We are enough.

Our days are very long.

We feed you.

Bathe you.

Teach you.

Even prepare you!

Payment you might ask?

No money for us.

It is said,

Give us your love instead.


To all the mamas out there!

Digital Art: By emily2jane
Just Pretty”

I felt inspired to do a pretty picture. Probably because it’s so cold outside. I miss all the colors.

Strange Thought Today…

I feel like I wasted a few hours binge watching a show. It was a current modern show. About a girl finding love young. 16. And she made so many mistakes. I don’t know if it’s because I’m older, or I was 16 once, but I couldn’t enjoy the show. That as I watched it I was hoping she would change. But she kept making mistakes.

And then when she was at the crossroads moment; she calls her mom for advice and her mom says, “I want you to have several loves before settling on the one”…wow. The mom could have done some good parenting and helped her daughter, but instead gave her the worst advice. My advice would have been, “don’t decide anything now. You are still young. Just leave it alone and just live life dating free, until you figure out who you are and what you want.”

Is that so difficult. Maybe I’m naive. I know I didn’t listen to my mom’s advice when I was 16. But as a mama now, I would tell my daughter the deep hard stuff. Even if all she wants is a pat on the back. Because to me that’s not good parenting.

When I started the show I had this thought. “Maybe I’ll use this show as an example to my daughter in the future.” Show her that you don’t need to date at 16. That it is better to wait. I wish I had. I wish my husband had been my first one.

But that thought is gone. As the show continued the girl kept going against my views on life. Now it just makes me worried about the future. But I have to trust that my husband and I will continue to do good parenting. That my daughter will know what is important in life.

Also for my son. The boys in the show were not the greatest. But they too didn’t have great parenting. I want to parent my son so that he knows how to treat women in his future.

I’m terrified of them growing up. Also them growing up in today’s world. The world is going crazy! But I will continue to educate my kiddos on morals and character.

But I have a piece of hope for them. My kiddos are strong-willed, stubborn, intelligent, but still warm with love. And I hope they continue to be that way. Because they will not be bullied into changing their points of views. I know that may come back to bite me, but I want them prepared for whatever their world will look like.

This is just a worried mama post. Haha! Enjoy your weekend. I’m going to be staying away from new shows. They always disappoint me. This was the first new thing I’ve watched since 2017. That was the last time I saw a movie in a theater. I’ll just stick to what I like and watch the same things over and over again.

Another random question to think about. I saw a short video on someone asking this question. “What was the last movie you saw in theaters that the entire audience applauded?”I can only remember 2 movies; they left a strong impression on me. Spoilers.

#1 Star Wars: The Last Jedi. The moment Luke Skywalker dusts off his shoulder. That moment was epic. The audience erupted!! It was a moment to remember. This was the last movie I saw at a theater.

#2 Harry Potter: The Deathly Hallows Part 2. The audience erupted at the start. I went opening night. It was amazing!! But then also when He Who Must Not Be Named (trying to not spoil) died. The moment it happened everyone screamed or WHOO! at the screen. Again epic!

But that is the last time I remember it happened. As you read in a previous post I like a wide range of movies. But it’s been a while since I was wowed!!

Just think to yourself. What was yours??

What will they say about me…?

Tell us one thing you hope people say about you.

I was:

A stubborn believer. I won’t change my beliefs for anyone. I will always, and to the end be a believer in Christ Jesus the Lord!!

A loving smartypants wife. I am a lovingly wife. My husband knows. But I can also be a pain. Haha 😂 in a sarcastic way. Sarcasm is our second language.

A daughter. I love my mama!! She is still my best friend. It’s difficult to be so far from her. Not what I had first thought my future would be like. But she is supportive and adamant of our dream on living away. 🥰

A somewhat patient, but warm mama; and an above average homemaker. I try. Being a mama is hard. I’m still trying to figure it out. And it will only continue to get harder; if we keep adding kids. But I still love this job. Even though some days I feel like I have no hair by the end of the day. Also the home maker job….it’s hard to juggle the mama responsibilities with all the other chores. Again I’m not perfect. I probably have the kitchen requirements to 85% but the rest of the house is only at 70%. But not bad. But the husband keeps trying to help me.

An artist. I want to be an artist. I would love to be an anonymous artist. That only you on this blog would know. But that my art could speak for itself. Because also…I’m incredibly busy. Finding time to paint will be hard enough. But I do desperately want to get my art out there!!

I don’t what else is there….I think this sums me up!!

Have a great day!

Digital Art: 🩷
By: emily2jane

Food. My Family Lives Food!

What are your family’s top 3 favorite meals?

I’m going to stay away from holiday meals. Because Christmas and Thanksgiving to me are easy answers.

#1 I think one of my favorite meals is a big juicy steak. With some side of potatoes, corn, salad. But most importantly, we need the horseradish sauce. I like to make the sauce extra spicy. Where when you eat it, it clears your sinuses. But this meal is an easy one for me. I marinate the steak the night before. Then I make the side dishes, and the husband cooks the meat. I can make most things. But he does those dishes,I have trouble with, and they come out amazing. Steak, burgers, chocolate chip cookies, and biscuits.

#2 It’s a recent meal. I made beef enchiladas a couple weeks ago. And they were amazing!! I wish I had taken pictures and used it for a blog post. Maybe next time I will. But I also made the enchilada sauce from scratch too. And I think that made a huge difference. Another part that amazed me was, that my daughter ate it. She didn’t particularly like it, but she ate it. But that my son ate 1 and half enchiladas. I had 3…I’m a grown adult. He is not even 1 1/2 years old and he devoured them. The husband also took the leftovers for work. I was a little annoyed he took them; I wanted to eat them…


#3 Probably Orange Chicken. What’s funny about this meal is, it’s a staple in my entire family. At my mom’s house they also have this often. I just take it a step farther and I make everything from scratch. Not the sauce. I use the panda orange chicken sauce. It’s just so delicious. And less work for me. I always strive for that. Haha! But this is a meal that has transcended generations.

Like all the posts I could probably list more favorites, but I think I will leave these answers as the only answers. Because they are true.

Well I should get back in the kitchen. The husband worked yesterday so today is our Thanksgiving dinner day.

Have an amazing weekend!!


Five colors.

Four painted hands.

Three crisp papers.

Two excited kiddos.

One wet brush.

That’s right! Thanksgiving Hand turkeys. I hope to do it every year. To see how their little hands grow every year! ❤️

To Be A Kid At Heart…?

What does it mean to be a kid at heart?

This is a difficult question to answer. Because I think it will change based on where you are in life.

But to me I think it’s to still have that innocence. Where you can be an adult, but there is something that makes you giddy and excited; just like it would for a five year old. That it’s the purest enjoyment.

Like for me, when I get a new painting idea. I get all giddy and excited to at least get my idea down.

I think for my husband it’s playing video games. Not as giddy as I would be. But I think it reminds him of his teenage days. He still can get online and play with his buddies.

But I don’t think it’s really behavior like a child. It’s the pure excitement that comes with doing something you love.

So for me when someone is being immature and someone says they are a child at heart I don’t feel the same.

That’s more like you are stuck in the age of a fifteen to sixteen year old, and you are still a pain. Every parent knows the age. It’s the age where you yourself regrets experiencing personally.

So to sum up. For me…

Child at heart = pure innocent excitement.


Inspired by my sons costume yesterday.



And in charge.

Waddle here,

Waddle there.

So cute,

So large.

Definitely in charge.


He was a duck. It was super adorable. But he was stomping around the harvest festival like he was the boss. It was so cute!!

Now it’s time to decorate for Christmas!! My son loves going to Costco and seeing all the lights. Excited to see his reaction when it will be in and outside our home for almost 3 months.

Have a wonderful Wednesday!

Just Keep Swimming…

What is your favorite form of physical exercise?

All around. 100% swimming.

It’s strengthens everything; arms, legs, back, core. Lungs, flexibility, balance. When you swim it’s an everything body workout.

But in all honesty where we live, our city pool is only open 3 months of the year…they should really enclosed it.

So my year round exercise is… stress, panic, and ”running” chasing after my son…😑 He is not even a year and half and he is getting into everything. Like our bed. We finally got ourselves a nice bed frame. And it’s maybe 3.5 ft tall. He proceeds to climb it…then he stands on the edge of the bed to claim his victory.

So my days are spent in fear and panic of what he is getting into. Like last night he wouldn’t go to sleep so we played in the living room a bit longer. And the moment I wasn’t watching, he had moved the packed up air mattress, stood upon it to grab something off a surface above him, a….battery powered drill. The husband didn’t put it away…and obviously what daddy uses must be the coolest things ever…so naturally my son needs to play with it too.

But I got up from the floor at lightning speed and cleaned up the disaster and future disasters in a record time.

So that’s what I feel like my exercise is currently. Flash style reflexes done at lightning speed. Mix in some fear and panic, and you can loose some weight this way. Believe me I have.

We’ve been also doing various lifestyle changes but I’ve lost 6lbs in 2 weeks. 😳 not a good thing when still feeding a baby, but I think it’s just my son’s doing.

Our harvest festival is coming up. And I saw this shirt yesterday and I approve of this shirt. Haha 😂

So true.

I’m working a booth again this year, so I’ll have my own bowl to steal candy from. But all moms out there…while they are little and not eating candy…this is your right.

Do I Have to Admit This…

What have you been putting off doing? Why?

Exercising. And teaching my daughter…

The latter is worse. But we’ve been so busy lately. My daughter is only four years old so I technically don’t have to be consistent until next September, but I’ve been trying to do some things before then. But “some” being the key word. It’s only occasionally and not at all consistent.

It’s difficult with my husband’s schedule being so funky. On his days off we do projects; so no school. On his night shifts I let my daughter spend the morning time with her daddy. And then the rest of the day is filled with our normal chores.

So I’m hoping to spend these next 11 months figuring things out.

But for me personally, it’s exercise. I want to get back into exercising, but again I never seem to have the time. And o know, most people say you always have a small window of time. True. But sleep is important.

Wake up. Wake daughter up. Make breakfast. Feed children. Eat my breakfast while cleaning up kitchen. 10-1pm on most days filled with playing with dad or a longer day until 3pm on projects. Also add in the middle my sons long nap time. 4pm let chickens out, and do outdoor chores or projects. Head back inside around 5:30pm. Start dinner. Finish dinner, eat. Watch a short educational show with kids. Start bedtime 7:30pm. In bed 9:30pm. Asleep by 10:30pm. Repeat. My days are the same all the time. So yes, maybe I could fit some exercise in there. And once it’s winter I will have more free time.

But for now my exercise is the projects I do. I’m constantly moving. Maybe even lifting things. So I think I’m good. I need to be able to stay fit for my kiddos. I don’t want to be a lump.

So yes, I’ve been putting these things off, but I’ve been trying to find different solutions that fit in my current schedule.

Have a wonderful Sunday! ❤️

Photography By: emily2jane
“Idaho Running River”

Can I Say Two Different Times?

When was the first time you really felt like a grown up (if ever)?

I know they mean grown up as an adult but also remember the day I felt grown up as a kid.

I’ve already mentioned the day in detail on a previous blog post. But it was the day I stood between my dad and siblings. That day flared up my protective instincts. But felt like I grew up that day.

The day I felt like a grown up….not a very deep emotion day. But the day we bought our first couch. I don’t know why but that seemed to make me believe I had grown up.

But it’s strange. It wasn’t when we got married. It wasn’t when we bought our first house. Or moved away to a different state. Or had my daughter. But the couch came before our son. But I didn’t really feel like anything changed until the couch.

Normally when your young you buy fun things. I spoiled my husband….a lot. But I never had the desire to buy the grown up things.

But when the couch arrived I felt, “wow I’m old.” Haha! Blinds. Blinds are also something I feel like you have grown up if you want to change your blinds.

But I wonder when I’ll feel I’ve grown up to older adult life…


If you had a million dollars to give away, who would you give it to?

My mom.

She deserves it!!

I always have this dream. That if I win the lottery, what would I do.

First, I would buy my mom’s house; she could live there forever. I’d pay off debt. I would buy her a car just like mine. I would pay for all remodeling she wants to do to the house. And I would set aside money for her to get allowance for the rest of her life. She deserves this and more. So much more. ❤️

But also most importantly, my husband could choose to work or not. His choice. I know he has many dreams and ideas that he cannot do because he provides for the family. And he would invest some of it; into various things. He would want the money to continue to earn.

Next, I would pay of our debts. And also add square footage to our house and shop. We would still do the work ourselves. Just because we would be made out of money doesn’t mean we would be wasteful.

I might splurge and get myself one of those awesome craft stations….I’ve always eyeballed one.


But maybe the husband could build one for cheaper….

But other than that I don’t really have anything that screams out to me like I need.

But I would want to keep living the same. No one would know that we won the lottery. I would want to still be me. And our kids would still grow up the same.

I know. I’m pretty boring when it comes to what you want when you win.

But for me, if my husband is happy, I’m good. If my mom has no more worries I’m good. And if my family can live comfortably, I’m good.