Visiting home.

It’s strange, that I live in another state now but that I still consider my mom’s house home…it’s a different kind of home. It has so many memories and my family is there. No matter what was going on we would all meet at mama’s and hang out. ❤️ I miss that so much!!

But we are on our way to see my family!! I’m so excited!!

But I’m also excited for my siblings to meet my daughter! She is 11 weeks today…and we are traveling south. The baby is behaving really well, we have a very well behaved baby. 😎

They will finally get to determined whether she is or not. I’m excited for my nephews to meet her. Especially the youngest because now there is a little person smaller than him.

Stopping in Utah, then we are coming home tomorrow!❤️

Oh Baby…

Having a baby has been very interesting. I love her deeply, the sweet little giggles she does are priceless. I love her kisses when she gives me them on my cheek. I love it when she smiles so much that it takes up half of her face. She such a sweet sweet.❤️

But I do miss my sleep. Which makes me think of this topic…There of been many ways to lose weight…

Some people of use the machines that shake you until all your chub is confined into your stomach. There are now things that can freeze your chub so that it shrinks your stomach. I think that getting your tummy kicked 100 times throughout the night by tiny baby feet should also help get rid of your tummy chub. I think it’s only fair…

Even still I love her. She makes my night interesting. Like right now we are wide-awake at 10:46 PM and I don’t tthink we’ll be going to sleep for probably a couple more hours. But again she is my sweet sweet. ❤️

Oh no she spitting up…