Tag Archives: Swimming

Done Many Dumb Things…But No.

Have you ever broken a bone?

I’ve never actually truly broken a bone. I’ve been hurt. Severely hurt, but it’s never been broken.

I can think back through my childhood and remember sprains and deep bruises, and torn muscles. But no broken bones.

I wore roller blades in the house without a helmet on the second story, and fell down the stairs. But miraculously I was okay.

I tried the “sledding” when on a skateboard with my dog towing me, and she went so fast I fell off the skateboard and scraped almost all my skin off my limbs but no broken bones.

Swimming, I hit someone in the head with my thumb so hard they got a huge bruise, and my thumb throbbed, but no broken bones.

I ran into a teammates shoulder (with my face) and got my lip pressed into my braces. Lots of blood but nothing broke. Not even the braces.

I punched myself in the face with a paint scraper. Gave myself a minor concussion and lost some blood. An Ambulance had to come and take me to the hospital because I passed out while standing. But no broken bones.

I hurt my back enough that it stopped my swimming career, but the doctors couldn’t find the culprit.

There’s several more things. I know I sprained the same elbow more than four times. But it was never enough to break any bones.

Probably why my kids are so resilient. Their bones are strong like their mama.

I guess the only time it might have counted was when I was really little. I don’t know exactly what age…eight…ten…? Something like that. Just imagine two brothers and one sister. Plus two hula hoops over lapped. The brothers were on the outside, the sister (me) in the middle. The brothers begin to play tug-o-war. The sister trips and falls, and the brothers fall on top of her. Which causes the sister to bust up her lip and twist and chip a tooth. So much blood.

I still have it to this day. I could get it capped but it doesn’t bother me. It also has memories. Yes, some bad memories, but also I remember playing with my brothers. That day was almost twenty years ago. Wow. Time does fly.

So I guess I did break something. One tooth. I’m doing pretty good for being a adventurous child. I did so many dumb things in the past.

Enjoy your Sunday!! I will be having a quiet peaceful Sunday with my kiddos. ❤️ Also!

Happy Birthday Mama!!! 💕

Digital Art
By: emily2jane

Short Story #4

Why won’t he notice me? I’ve done everything possible.’ I made sure to be in his classes. Made sure to be his desk partner. I help him with assignments; but I don’t think he actually sees me, just my answers. I try to sit nearby him at lunch; a couple tables away, but he can still see me. I joined a swim team to share his sport; I’m not really a sport person. I’ve attempted to learn about cars and hockey to share his hobbies; that’s not going so well either. But still, nothing. ‘Why not me?’

Instead it’s Lucy Marshall. The popular girl in school. She’s perfect. She has the looks, the smile, and I guess the personality. A personality that doesn’t care about a guy’s preferences; one that is all about me, me, me. But here I am trying to be the perfect girl. But no, I’m not at all on his radar.

Jordan Johnson. That’s his name by the way. He’s the most popular guy at school. He is every girl’s fantasy. But anyone who is not Lucy Marshall has no chance.

Here I am daydreaming about my desk make and I’m not at all paying attention to the teacher. Doesn’t really matter. I ace all the tests anyways.’ Probably a result of being homeschooled for my freshman and sophomore years. I think my mom taught me everything I needed to know in two years…

But at least I get to eyeball Jordan at swim practice. Finally the season is here! Three months. Only three more months of junior year. If I don’t get noticed; it’s never going to happen. I’ll have to try now, as I step back onto the pool deck. The pool deck is where dreams are started.

I peek over at Jordan. ‘Wow. His body was made for swimming. His body seemed to be sculpted to perfection.’ Thankfully I was in a pool or people would see the drool running down my chin. How was it possible to be so lost in someone? Especially someone who doesn’t know you even exist. ‘Right. I was going to make that change. But how?’ WHACK!

Throbbing pain! My forehead was on fire. Before I could think to ask a question I just heard laughter. Laughter around me…? No it was directed at me. When my eyes began to focus once more, I could see everyone staring at me. Pointing. Laughing. Everyone. Even Jordan was snickering. ‘That hurt.’ But being hit in the forehead wasn’t enough to cause this reaction…until I felt it. I had reached up and felt where my forehead had been; instead a large goofball sized bump had formed. I knew I probably looked ridiculous, but I was still in pain. Didn’t anyone care that I might actually be hurt?

Suddenly I was scooped up under my armpits, and out of the pool; steadied on the deck, and then pick up by someone. My head was spinning and I couldn’t concentrate. But I did hear the name calling.

“Yeah take away the eye sore.”

Also, “Egg head! Let’s call her egg head!”

I passed out to the giant eruption of laughter. ‘I want to go back to homeschooling.’

.-.-.Senior Year.-.-.

Well I did just what I wanted. It was the first thing I told my mom after I had recovered from my concussion and three day coma. And it being the first thing out of my mouth; my mother did not argue with me. I finished out my junior year being homeschooled. I know I shouldn’t care, and that they are just a bunch of dumb kids; but I reinvented myself. I was no longer the scared, quiet, intimidated girl.

After quitting public school and also the swim team, I realized how much I actually enjoyed swimming. So I have to thank butthead for making me try out something, I originally wouldn’t have tried. I love it! ‘Yes. His name is butthead now. After I saw him snickering at my pain, that was it. The thought of him now disgusted me.’ Also now that I’ve joined a private swim team, and I’ve swam all summer; I’ve met better guys. Not that I’m instantly attracted to them or anything, but that they are actual decent human beings. Even one of them is the reason I have ventured back into public high school. ‘Yep. That’s right. I’m back.’ Because Charlie, my new guy friend, challenged me to go back and destroy the girls records. Which I’m excited to do. Swim season starts tomorrow!!

But school. These last six months have flown by. It’s amazing when you don’t focus all your energy on one outlet, that you can do so much more. I’ve gotten A’s as always. But I’ve been apart of different clubs. The dance club, art club, ceramics club, radio club, etc. I thought I might as well try everything before high school is over and done.

I have seen him. Occasionally. Not that I’ve been seeking him out, but that we have crossed paths. The first time I saw him, I got sick to my stomach. Happy to know that the sight of him still made me feel disgusted; how did I ever like him? And I would like to say that my lack of presence around him has not phased him one bit. Thankfully I was not on his radar last year; or the probable constant tormenting would have been unbearable.

Let’s start fresh.


Swim season has been underway for almost a month. I’ve gotten better and better. Enough so, that I’m in the second fastest lane. The only people faster than me is: Jordan, Michael, Miguel, Nathan, and Charlie. ‘Yep. My friend Charlie. I don’t know why I didn’t know he had been on the team all four years. I’m blaming it on my lack of good visibility. Haha. That’s a real thing.’ But yeah, I’m the fastest girl on the entire team. And also yes. I’ve been chipping away at the records. I hold four of the eight. I just all depends on what our coach allows me to swim. Or if he is wanting to win the meet; then he puts me in my fastest events.

But I’ve been flying! Really. Swimming has made a huge difference on my life. I’m so happy I started when I did. Because there has already been offers from several different colleges; with full scholarships. ‘I’m stoked!!’ I thought this was just going to be a hobby; but I’m happy it is going to be a life altering thing. And I’ll be possibly going to college with Charlie. He has been an amazing friend through all of this. I don’t know what would have happened to me if Charlie hadn’t been in my life. I’m so happy I met him officially the day I joined the private team.

“ Sarah,” my friend Joyce called out to me.

“Yeah. What’s up?” I was finishing up showering after the grueling practice.

“You’ve been hanging out with Charlie a lot. Anything happening between you two?”

I felt my face flush, but I quickly pushed it aside. Im not saying I want something to happen. But I wouldn’t be apposed to something happening. “No, nothing is happening” I try to play it off cool. “Why do you ask?”

“Well I thought after last year, and now; that something was happening between you two.”

“What do you mean last year. What happened last year?”

“You don’t know? He’s the one that carried you to the nurses office that day. He carried you clear across campus in just his speedo. He was made fun of for the whole junior year. Everyone called out at him like, “Nice diaper.” He was diaper boy for the last three months. Didn’t you know?”

‘He carried me? He was made fun of. He was the one who helped me? No way! Why hasn’t he said anything.’ I needed answers. I didn’t wait for Joyce; I grabbed my gear and ran out of the locker room. Right smack into Charlie.

“Ouch!” I had run into his shoulder with my nose. “Watch where you are going.” ‘That was a stupid response.’

“Sure. Here I was standing still until something flew into me. But sure I’ll watch where I’m going next time.” Charlie turned walking away.

His sarcastic tone told me I could follow. So I did. We walked in silence until I couldn’t take it anymore. “Why didn’t you tell me about last year? I didn’t know anything.”

“Oh. I. Umm.”

Charlie stumbled around with his words. ‘This was not like Charlie. Charlie didn’t stumble. Charlie was perfect. He was a perfect gentlemen. He was a prefect teammate. And he would be the perfect boyfriend. But how do I bridge that subject.

“I didn’t really know how to bring it up. I know it was not a good memory for you. And since you never brought it up, I just assumed you didn’t want to talk about it again, or that you didn’t remember it at all. Either way I was okay. I was going to be your friend no matter what. You are pretty cool. Even still when your eyes were glued to Jordan; I still thought you were a pretty cool girl.”

Charlie wasn’t really talking towards me. But I knew he was talking about me.

“You just had a bad taste in guys,” Charlie smirked at that last part.

‘Did my heart just flutter? At Charlie’s smirk? Oh no. It’s happening again. I’m going to go boy crazy again. Must distract myself.’ I just start walking forward. I needed to…I don’t know. But staying there looking at him was not the right answer.

“Hey wait,” Charlie grabbed my hand.

‘He’s holding my hand!?!’

“I’m sorry if I made you angry. I just know that Jordan is not the right guy for you. You deserve better. You deserve…”

I deserve…? Charlie just stopped talking. Could he mean? No don’t be ridiculous. Focus elsewhere. But not on the hand that still is holding yours. Oh, great. That’s all I can think of now!’

“Anyways. We should get going,” Charlie says as he drops my hand.

‘No.’ I don’t know what I was doing but I reached out and grasped his hand again. Then realizing what I was doing I dropped it quickly. My face was going to turn a bright red color here in a moment. ‘Walk away, Sarah. Before it’s too late.’ “You are right. Yeah, we should get going. Let’s go,” I quickly dashed off. Not really a run, but fast enough that I knew he wouldn’t follow me. He lives in the opposite direction.

I almost collapsed as I made it to the park besides my home. Running after a grueling workout was not the best plan of mine, but I needed to be anywhere away from…

“Why did you run off?” Charlie came running up too, just minutes after me.

‘Oh no. He would see me scarlet face.’ I threw up my hands to shield my face from his eye-line. My feelings would stay hidden. This was mot the smartest idea on my part.

“What are you doing?” Charlie probably thought I looked ridiculous. “Hey. Talk to me!”

His hands were holding my hands. ‘No. He’s stronger than me. He’s going to see.’ My hands were instantly brought down to my sides. His hands still held them in place. He was just looking at me in silence.

I couldn’t take this anymore and I decided to look up into his face. But what I saw, I wish I hadn’t looked. He was smirking at me. ‘Agh! He’s probably laughing at me. And here I am thinking his smirk is so cute. Ahhhh! Kill me now!’ I looked away. I tried to free my hands but to no avail he kept my hands prisoners.

“Sarah. Look at me.”

‘Nope. You might be fine with this, but I’m dying inside.’

“Sarah. Just look at me.”


“Sarah” Charlie’s voice was pleading but kind.

I had to look. I had never heard Charlie’s voice like this before. I wanted to see the expression that went along with it. I slowly raised my gaze to look at his face. The smirk was gone. Instead I saw a smile. But then Charlie was stepping towards me. I couldn’t move, especially since my hands were still captured. And then…

A kiss. Only for a quick second. But still my first kiss! ‘He kissed me! So it does mean!!!’ I stepped towards him and gave him a kiss too. I wasn’t the same girl as before. I was more daring. I could kiss… ‘I kissed him!?! Why did I just do that. Oh my gosh that was so embarrassing.’

When I looked into Charlie’s eyes that smirk was back. I desperately tried but failed once again to be released from his hold on my hands; I wanted to run away. But instead I was held in place.

“You kissed me back. You know what this means right?”

I could hear the smirk in Charlie’s voice now. No. What does it mean?” I looked back into Charlie’s eyes confidently. I was not going to cower. I could be brave.

“Your mine.” And Charlie kissed me once again.

Life Of Two Best Friends: College CHPT 42

Life Of Two Best Friends: College CHPT 41


Bryan got three days excluded from practice. That didn’t seem like enough of a punishment, but it was enough to have the other upperclassmen behave. Bryan’s right
handed guy, Chad, was actually stepping up in the lane to fill the captain role. I was amazed at what a good swimmer Chad was. With Bryan around he was always staying in
a moderate speed or average effort, but today at practice I was actually struglling to keep up with him in lane two of the A-strings. ‘Right, I forgot, I moved up another lane. I guess you could say I moved up another six spots, now I’m ranked 7th in the A-strings.’

“Okay we are going to mix things up today,” Coach bellowed over the chatter after our last set. Everyone suddenly grew quiet. “I’m only talking to Lanes one, two, and three. Coach, “He yelled down to the assistant coach, “Start those lanes on a set of your choice.” Coach turned back to us, “I want to pair you up with another teammate and you will work with that teammate on one of their weakness. Your mission in this time is to help improve your teammate. We are a team! You should always be trying to help a teammate out; up until, of course, you step on the blocks. Okay now,” Coach glanced down at his clipboard, “Harvey with Jackson, Kyle with Xavior, Manny with David,…” Coach continued to pair people together until he said what I had expected, “Chad with George.”

‘I knew it.‘ I looked at Chad and he didn’t show any emotion. I ducked under the lane line and treaded water just next to where he sat on the wall.

“Okay, now that you have your assigned teammates spread out and discuss your problems,” Coach walked away, back to his chair.

Neither Chad or I moved. I grabbed hold of the wall and hoisted myself up. “So…are you going to start or shall I?”

Chad glanced towards me. Then to Coach, then returned his stare to me. I still saw nothing in his face. But he sighed and shook his head, “Sure. What would you say is
your weeakness? Coach is watching, otherwise I would not be talking to you.”

‘Fair. I didn’t really want to talk to Chad either, but I would show respect.’ “I would say mine would be lung compassity. I’ve had a couple of incidents of passing out after a race.” I saw a flash of surprise on Chad’s face, but it quickly vanished. “What would yours be?”

“I don’t really think I have a weakness. Coach has been telling me to correct my stroke as I sprint, but I’ve yet to figure out what is so wrong,” Chad shrugged.

‘At first I thought he was going to say he didn’t have a weakness because he was perfect. Haha.’ “Okay, climb up on the blocks and sprint a twenty-five,” I stood up
on the deck.

“What? Why?” Chad questioned me, but he still got up and started walking to the blocks.

“You said you don’t know what’s wrong. Let’s see if I can see it. I’ve never been able to correct my swimming when Coach Jones says to figure it out; I always end up
having to ask him what it is,” pulled my cap and goggles off my face. ‘I need to be serious.’

Chad looked at me, but he still climbed the blocks ready for my start.

“Take your mark. Go!”

Chad had a awesome start. He threw his head forward which helped him leaped about one foot farther than I could ever. He was flying. I didn’t know I had such a fast
teammate. His head was positioned correctly, his arms were straight just like how I swim, he had a steady constant kick…what was wrong? But Chad was done with the twenty-five before I could figure it out. I walked over the the panting Chad.

“So?…What do…you…think?” Chad manage to get out.

‘Be honest.’ “I wasn’t able to tell. You swam too quickly for me to figure it out, could you go again?”

Chad pulled himself out of the pool and walked over to where I was standing, “You being smart with me? Are you just going to have me keep swimming as a punishment
for what Bryan did? Huh!?!”

“No. That was not my intention. I just couldn’t see what was wrong in that short amount of time. If you could just swim again I should be able to catch it,” I understood
why he might think that way, but I actually wanted to help him out.

“Whatever,” Chad started to walk away, but stopped dead in his tracks

“So George, did you discover his weakness?” Coach Jones had snuck up behind me. “I saw it once again in that twenty-five.”

“See, I knew you weren’t watching. Just tell me Coach,” Chad was fuming.

“No. I’m sure with one more twenty-five George should be able to discover what you are doing wrong. Tell me George, what did you see?”

“Chad was able to do the head throwing in his start that I’ve been struggling to do these last two years. His arms were straight and look strong as he pulled himself through the water. He had a strong steady kick throughout. But I couldn’t find anything wrong?” It was bugging me that I missed something. ‘What was it?’

Chad had turned towards me. I could see surprise but also, maybe slight approval.

“Those are all good to see, but those are not the culprit. I will give a small hint. It is not in his techniques,” Coach started to walk away. He called over his shoulder, “It’s just a habit.”

‘A habit? Hmmm…’ I looked at Chad. The only way to figure this out would be for him to back up on the blocks.”Come on Chad. Get back up on the blocks,” I started to walk back to the other end. Much to my surprise, Chad passed by me and once again took his stance on the block. “Last one, Chad. Take your marks. Go!” Again he was off.

Life Of Two Best Friends: College CHPT 41

Life Of Two Best Friends: College CHPT 40


I fell to my bed. My last class just finished and I was trying to catch some sleep before afternoon practice. I need to excel in something today, and swimming is my
best option. I didn’t know that college was going to be this hard. Now I understand why the orientation speaker said that grades would fluctuate, because mine have.
It’s only been 9 days of school and I already feel behind in my academic classes. Plus with the whole stupidity of the upperclassmen. ‘Man. Why can’t they just leave me alone.’ I had my eyes closed only for maybe five minutes when there was a sudden knock, and the door opened. I sat up expecting Jeremy or Timothy, only to have Coach Jones standing in my doorway. I bolted up into a standing position. “Coach Jones?”

“No need to be nervous. Sit back down,” Coach left the door propped open and sat down in Jeremy’s desk chair. “Can we talk a minute?”

“Sure,” I sat on the edge of my bed and gave Coach my full attention. “What’s up Coach?”

“Well…I heard about what happened today in the courtyard, but first I want to ask how its been going? Are you managing?”

‘I knew Coach would hear about what happened today, but it seemed like he wasn’t mad about it.’ “I’m trying to manage. College is more difficult than I had expected.
Mostly the morning practices with homework. Physics homework has always been easy to me, but I’ve been struggling to finish. But I should be able to get a handle on things after a few more days.” ‘I didn’t know if that last part was true or not, but I knew it had to be. If I couldn’t figure things out then something would have to give; and swimming was not an option.

Coach Jones didn’t speak at first, “Hmmm, I was hoping you would tell me you were fine, because I had hope to move you to a new room right after the mock meet in three
days. But Now that I’m hearing this…”

“No, Coach,” I interrupted him. “If you want me to move, I’ll move. Everything is going to work itself out. I won’t let anything hinder my swimming.”

Coach held up a hand, “Don’t worry about that George. I know swimming is still your top priority; I was just more concerned with your lack of sleep. You are trying to figure this out, and if I move you to a new room you would have a new added stress of fitting in with your roommates.” Coach looked around the room. “I will say though. For you having a tough time in college your area is quite in order. No one would know you are having a tough time. His eyes landed on the bed next to mine, “And this is?”

I laughed, “That’s Jeremy’s, of course.” It was a tangled up mess.

Coach Jones shook his head and chuckled. The smile on his face disappeared and he again turned his attention back to mine. “About what happened today, I was surprised at your role in it.”

‘I was surprised as well; what did he mean my role?’

My face must have revealed my thoughts, because Coach Jones held up a hand, “No need to answer. I’m not accusing you of starting things or anything. I was just surprised and your reaction. That you actually retaliated.”

“I shoved him away. I didn’t think that was such a bad response.”

“No. After seeing the footage from a security camera, I was proud you didn’t swing at Bryan. But you should have not done anything. I don’t know if you know this, but
you have a reputation at this school. From your time swimming for me the last two years you are seen as a leader. Racing Kevin the first day of practice, hardworking
and determined. What happened at the cafrateria with Bryan, Brave and strong. But then now today, quick but short tempered.”

I tried to interrupt, but Coach Jones stopped me.

“George,” Coach Jones grabbed the back of his neck,”I know that Bryan has become a problem. There will be repercussions for his actions today, but it is his last year, thankfully.” Coach looked me in the eye, “I hope you can be the change for this school; at least a change for the swimming team. If you can survive this school year without
any incidents I would really wish for you to be the captain on this team next year. You have the skills in the pool to be the captain, but you must use this year to gain the respect from your teammates. All of them. Bryan, may be a lost cause but his buddies were not always followers. The quality of athlete has diminished these last few years. Can I count on you to be a leader of the team?”

‘Wow. I didn’t realize that I was truly leadership material. I know I have been captain before, but I thought I would be on the lower list of candidates for about two
Looking up into Coach Jones questioning face I knew I needed to step up. That I needed to be the athlete that Coach needed. “Yes Coach. You can count on me
to fill that role.”

“With that said, maybe I should leave you to it; get some rest before practice tonight,” Coach Jones got up from the chair and walked back to the door.

“Coach,” I stood by the edge of my bed, “I am sorry for not being able to keep my composure this afternoon. I will work on it.”

“I know you will. You will be one of the greats. In and out of the pool,” with that Coach exited the room and closed the door behind himself.

‘I really need to work hard this year to be the person and athlete that Coach needs.’ I relaxed back onto my sheets. I’ll rest for maybe thirty minutes and then I’ll get some homework done now; maybe that will make college easier.

Favorite Animals

What are your favorite animals?

#1 Easy. Dog. But for me is a very specific dog. My dog that sadly has passed away, Sammy.

Part 1

She was the best dog ever. And she is the dog I compare to.

I got her when I was thirteen from the pound. A funny-ish memory with my dad; that is a scarce thing. But my dad is the one who took me to the pound that day to pick out a dog. I had, had my eye on one; a golden retriever puppy. But sadly the puppy had to stay at the pound another 2 weeks before it could come home with me; that must have been too long because I moved on.

My dad had his own ideas about a dog he wanted a male German shepherd mix. A dog my mom specifically said not to get. That was my dad though. I of course, was not going to choose a dog against my mom, but I continued to walk through the pound in search of my dog. I knew I would know when I saw it.

I walked past each stall; getting more discouraged as I went. until I came up to one stall. The dog was black. A little fluffy. Mangy looking. The sign said lab chow mutt. I don’t know what it was, but I liked this dog. She was just sitting in the corner sleeping away. My dad tried to pull me away, but I stood rooted there. He continued on, and I still stood there looking at the dog.

I squatted down to be on her level when she woke up and almost fell over. The commotion must have woke her up, because suddenly there was a little dog head perked up looking at me. I saw sadness in her face. I was about to walk on, because I thought she was too skittish; but as if she knew, she stood up and slowly walked over to the fence and licked my fingers. It startled me. I had forgot I had my hand there. But she continued to lick my fingers.

I trusted her instantly. I shoved my fingers through the hole in the fence and began to scratch her ear. She almost my instantly collapsed into the fence and soaked up scratches. She pressed her side to the fence and I continued the petting session. I probably squatted there, petting her for almost 15min. I knew. This was my dog. My dad was still off somewhere looking At probably only German shepherds. But I continued to be squatted there scratching my dog. My dog Sammy. I previously had a different name picked out, but I still to this day have no idea what it was. But when I was petting her, I just said, “Good girl, Sammy.” And that was that. This was my dog Sammy.

Finally he came back. “Pop, I want this one.”

My dad looked at the dog , “I don’t think so, I found a really cute dog down the hallway. It’s ready to go home today and everything. Let’s go take a look,” he started to walk away.

I didn’t move; instead I struggled to stand up and pointed at Sammy, “No, I want this one.”

“No. This one looks mangy; probably she will attack you or run away the moment she comes to our home. Instead there is a good looking German shepherd puppy down the hallway. I’m sure you will like it,” he tried to get me to come with him.

“Nope. I’m good. I want this one.” I can be quite stubborn. Haha!

“But, I think you should keep your options open. This one might not be available today. Let’s continue to look. I’m not committed to any dog just yet. Not until you look at the other one.”

I knew that he was not going to be open to my dog until I looked at his…but I was not moving. Thankfully a worker came up to us and asked the question I was hoping for.

“Did you find a dog you liked?”

“No, we are….” My dad tried.

“Yes. This one.” And I pointed at Sammy.

The worker looked at me, then at Sammy, then at my dad, “Are you sure?”

“Yes. I’m positive. I want this dog for my birthday.” Yeah I forgot that part. I was getting a dog for my birthday. My parents agreed I was old enough for a dog. So my dad brought me to find a dog. And I found her! “Can we start the process?”

“Oh. It’s for your birthday. Then of course you should get the dog you picked. Right, dad? If your daughter choose this one, and is adamant, you should trust her choice, right?”

Thank you worker. But oh! my dad is going to be pissed on the drive home. At the time I was terrified for the drive home, but not scared enough to give up on Sammy. My dad just nodded, but I knew he was not happy.

The worker grabbed the small sign and walked us to the office. I looked back and Sammy must have felt abandoned and walked slowly back to to her corner. ‘I’m coming back for you.’

We got to the office and the person in charge handed me a slip to fill out. The normal stuff, but I also got to put Sammy’s name on the line for name!! It was an exciting moment. But then came the time for paying. Thankfully my mom had planned ahead and gave me a $20 bill, because my mom knew that if my dad didn’t get his way he was not going to pay.

The worker said, “Okay, that will be $15. Who will be paying?”

As I expected my dad didn’t react; so I pulled out the $20 bill and said, “Of course me. It’s my dog after all.” It was done. She was mine. I fought for her!! They also let me sign on the dotted line since I payed.

Sammy would be ready in two days. They had to give her, her shots and spay her. But she was mine. It was done.

I thanked the workers and walked out of the office with my receipt. I was so proud, that I forgot all about my dad. I turned and he had not followed me out of the office.

I sung open the door and my dad just said, “maybe have that German shepherd puppy ready to go in two days too and maybe she will change her mind.”

I rolled me eyes. The workers looked uncomfortable. I yelled in the door. “No need. Sammy is all I want. Come on Pop, let’s go home and prepare the yard for Sammy.”

That ended the topic. Sammy was my dog. I would fight for her!!


I know this post was meant for multiple animals, but Sammy is…well now, was my favorite. I think I’ll continue the story tomorrow. The story of Sammy is a fun one.

But now you got a glimpse into what my dad was like. I think this result only happened because I was his favorite child. Which sickens me. The only reason for that, was because he had control over my swimming. Also (not to brag) but I won races a lot. I gave him so much pride. He gave me too much pressure, but he didn’t care. Which is why I think he allowed my behavior that day. Because he needed me to continue to fuel his vain side in the future.

But I’m happy for that. For once in my life I was happy I was his favorite; because I did get the best dog that day!! My family would agree.

(Also I’m not against German Shepherds. I just for one didn’t want a male dog. I wanted a female. And German shepherds have lots of energy. I wanted a more mellow dog. I wanted a dog that would be content in our small backyard. Nothing against German shepherds.)

Part 2 to follow.

Sammy ❤️
The Best Dog Ever!


Is there an age or year of your life you would re-live?

I think I would choose age 15-17. When I was a competitive swimmer.

I stayed on my swim team because I didn’t want to lose my friends, start from scratch, and I didn’t want to let my coach down.

But if I had switched teams I would have probably gone farther in the sport. Not gotten hurt. And probably would have made it to the Olympics.

But instead I choose my friends. I thought they would be my friends always. But the older friends tolerated me because I was fast. The younger friends respected me because I was fair. But in the end I only have one good friend from my 17 years of swimming; living in a different state, and I only text her. It’s been almost 5 years now since I last saw her.

Another reason for not leaving, was I didn’t want to have to figure out my place on a new team. I knew there were faster swimmers than me. Surprisingly enough, more dedicated swimmers than me. But on my old swim team I was respected.

You can’t really leave one team, try out another, and then return. It would have not gone well.

The biggest reason of all: I didn’t want to disappoint my coach. My coach was my coach for 8 years, I think. She was the one that kickstarted my desire to become great. I always did anything she said. She was the one that was going to take me to the next level.

But like most things, many different events happened that began to unravel my hoped future.

She always wanted me to be the best, but I’ve come to realize it that she just expected the best without her 100% effort to help me there. She had a favorite on the team; and to her, that swimmer could do no wrong.

Another event was that when I was 16, I had finished 3 exhausting swim meets in a row. I had been invited to an invitation only swim meet, that I had to go to as well. But into the first day of the meet I had an excruciating pain in my stomach that I couldn’t even sleep through the night. My mom came to get me and we went to the hospital. Turned out I had a cyst the size of a large grapefruit in my lower abdomen. The doctors were amazed that I had continued through the pain, for this long, while being an athlete. I had to have surgery. So it was quite serious. The doctors said that if the cyst had ruptured I would have died.

But what do you think my Coach’s response to all this was… disappointment. She made me feels so awful for leaving that swim meet. She made me feel like I embarrassed her; and that I should have just sucked it up, and finished the meet.

After that day my Coach gave up on me. The swimmer that could do no wrong was now more than ever her favorite. And I continued to try and prove myself to my coach. I did more in my 16-17 years than I had already done for her from the age of 10 to this point.

And you might be wondering how it ended…

Without any help from my coach. I bettered myself all the way up to the nationals level. That’s one step lower than the Olympics trials. Two steps away from the Olympics. I thought, I would have at least one more year of her help. But instead she took her favorite to the Olympic trials. The swimmer chocked and didn’t perform well, and then my coach retired.

She gave up. She gave up on me. If she had given me some direction the year before she retired she might have taken two swimmers to the Olympic trials. I think I lost my spark after that.

She then sold the team to my teammate. He then made a rule that after the age of 18, if you are not swimming in college you couldn’t continue to swim on the team. So I lost my coach. I lost my drive. And I lost my team. All after I turned 18.

I swam at my community college. I did amazing. But it wasn’t the same. My spark was gone. I broke almost all the records. But then I got hurt. I think it was an old injury from when I tried to earn my coach’s respect back.

Now as I look back over those years I can see that I should have left. I wasted 8 years trying to swim for someone who never seemed to care. But I wasted the best years especially; where if I had just switched I probably would have made it. I know I would have!

But with all things you must go on. I coached. Which I loved!! I will definitely do it in the future if I get the chance. Without the public speaking part. I’m terrified and terrible at that part. Another, I still like to do hard work. Any projects we have on the property I’m rearing to help complete them. My body feels sore and tired afterwards. Most importantly, I found someone who cares for me, who wants me to do my best, but will also accept me as I am.

So yes, I want to change those years. Because I wish I could give my 17 year old self a chance to succeed on the level she desired. But like all things. You learn. You move past it. And you then live your new life.

Digital Art By: emily2jane
Stilled Moments”

Just Keep Swimming…

What is your favorite form of physical exercise?

All around. 100% swimming.

It’s strengthens everything; arms, legs, back, core. Lungs, flexibility, balance. When you swim it’s an everything body workout.

But in all honesty where we live, our city pool is only open 3 months of the year…they should really enclosed it.

So my year round exercise is… stress, panic, and ”running” chasing after my son…😑 He is not even a year and half and he is getting into everything. Like our bed. We finally got ourselves a nice bed frame. And it’s maybe 3.5 ft tall. He proceeds to climb it…then he stands on the edge of the bed to claim his victory.

So my days are spent in fear and panic of what he is getting into. Like last night he wouldn’t go to sleep so we played in the living room a bit longer. And the moment I wasn’t watching, he had moved the packed up air mattress, stood upon it to grab something off a surface above him, a….battery powered drill. The husband didn’t put it away…and obviously what daddy uses must be the coolest things ever…so naturally my son needs to play with it too.

But I got up from the floor at lightning speed and cleaned up the disaster and future disasters in a record time.

So that’s what I feel like my exercise is currently. Flash style reflexes done at lightning speed. Mix in some fear and panic, and you can loose some weight this way. Believe me I have.

We’ve been also doing various lifestyle changes but I’ve lost 6lbs in 2 weeks. 😳 not a good thing when still feeding a baby, but I think it’s just my son’s doing.

Our harvest festival is coming up. And I saw this shirt yesterday and I approve of this shirt. Haha 😂

So true.

I’m working a booth again this year, so I’ll have my own bowl to steal candy from. But all moms out there…while they are little and not eating candy…this is your right.

Life Of Two Beat Friends: College CHPT 39

Life Of Two Best Friends: College CHPT 38


Finally back to our room, “Dude? Are you okay?” I asked Charlie; he had been grasping his rib cage.

“Yeah. The wind was just knocked out of me. And I think my back is bruised. But I should be fine by morning,” Charlie climbed into the bed across from Jeremy. “But what were you thinking? You know that what you did today will kickstart how the upperclassmen treat you, right?”

“Don’t worry about me. I have a knack at head butting bullies. Sometimes they change their personalities once they have met their match,” I smirked and looked over at Jermey.

“What?” Jeremy exploded, “You think I was as bad as Bryan?”

“Not as bad, but you were a bully that I tamed,” I laughed this time, because I never thought of it that way. A pillow hit me head on. ‘I knew it would, but I still continued to laugh.’

“You were a bully?” Charlie had slightly sat up in his bed.

Timothy propped up Charlie with pillows.

Jeremy groaned as he sat in his desk chair, “Yeah, I was. I was major jerk back in high school. Thankfully George was able to understand me through these last two years of high school. I don’t know if I would have changed so drasically unless George was my role model.”

‘Wow, didn’t know that’s how he felt.‘ “Wow. didn’t know you thought of me that way,” I walked over to give Jeremy a sarcastic hug.

“Don’t you dare,” Jeremy had held up hand to stop me in my tracks.

I chuckled and backed back to my own chair. I also remembered it was not us the pair of us in the room. I bursted out a laugh because of Timothy’s expression; it was
pure horror. Jeremy looked their way and joined the laughter. “Sorry Timothy,” I tired to muffle my amusement, “being roommates with Jeremy so long has changed me.

Charlie sat confused as well, but maybe a bit more entertained.

Timothy turned towards Charlie, “Sorry you had to witness,” Timothy stopped and turned back towards Jeremy aand myself, “…that. I guess I’ve not spent a lot of time with these two.”

“Well that will have to change these next few months,” Charlie tried to laugh but instead just retreated into the pillows around him.

‘It won’t be that long for me. Soon I’ll be entering into the lions den that I have already pissed off.’

Life Of Two Best Friends: College CHPT 38

Life Of Two Best Friends: College CHPT 37


‘I dont know why the other two just stood still.’ Instead I walked towards Charlie with a hand stretched out, “Hello Charlie, I’m…”

“George,” Charlie interrupted, “I think everyone in the entire school knows who you are by now. Bryan and his goons have probably started rumors about you and the stunt you pulled.” Charlie accepted my hand and nodded to Timothy and Jermey.

Jeremy was still silent, which is against his nature.

“Nice to meet you Charlie,” Timothy also intiated a hand shake.

“Dude? You are making it weirder, by you being silent,” I shook my head at the still silent Jeremy.

“Remember what Coach Jones said? He might be friend or foe,” Jeremy whispered to me.

“True. He does have a point,” Charlie interjected, “I could be one of those idiots. Believe me I wanted to be one of them my freshmen year, but after what they did to my buddy in my sophmore year; I’ll never be one of them.” Charlie seemed to slink back into his past.

“Good enough for me,” I did not push him to explain; even though my curiosity was spiked. “We were about to head to lunch. You want to join?”

Charlie just looked at us and turned, walking away.

Jeremy, Timothy, and I just looked at each other. What was the insulting?

“You guys coming?” Charlie had stopped and called back to us.

We all rushed to catch up to Charlie. Confused.

“What athelete would say no to food?” Charlie’s answered.

I laughed, Timothy nodded, and Jeremy just walked along with us.

“So you are a Breaststroker?” Timothy asked Charlie, in between bites.

“Yep. I especially like the two-hundred breaststroke in meters. I think that is my favorite event!” Charlie nodded.

I was shocked. One fifty of breaststroke was enough for me, but Charlie liked the olympic race. Ouch.’ I must have shoved the surprise on my face because Charlie spat out all the food in his mouth due to laughter. Thankfully Jeremy had dodge it or there would have been war.

“Don’t worry about saying your thoughts. I can totally understand your reaction,” Charlie started to control his laughter. “It boggles my mind how you can swim a fifty in twenty seconds. Not just me, but many of the upperclassmen were shocked and questioned Coach on the time after you had left the wall.”

“Really?!? Why would the upperclassmen question Coach Jones?”

“Yeah I forgot to tell you that part bro,” Jeremy was scarfing down all the foods in front of him. “Bryan also questioned it, but he made the teammate beside his speak out against it. You know, he has to keep up his appearences.” Charlie shook his head in annoyance.

I thought Charlie would talk, until I saw to the left who had entered the lunch hall. Bryan and his gang were walking towards our table. People who were siting around us seemed to all finish their food at the same time; because it was like a giant exudus around us. Instead a crowd was gathering around the edges of the room. ‘Bryan does have a reputation. Typical Senior.’ I just ignored his presence and continued eating.

“So, I heard you were going to be their roommate, but I didn’t know you would actually betray your group,” Bryan was resting a hand on the back of Charlie’s chair.

Charlie’s body tensed for just a second, until he relaxed and continued eating. Ignoring Bryan.

None of us looked up in regards to Bryan. I would if he messed with anyone, but I will keep calm for now.

Bryan suddenly pushed Charlies chair back, causing charlie to slide a few inches and then the back of the chair slapped the ground. Charlie laid there clasping his chest.

I calmly stood up from my seat, walked around the table, and helped Charlie to his feet. Jeremy was quickly behind me with my bag; whereas Timothy was cleaning up our mess. Once done, there we stood; the four of us against a group of eight upperclassmen.

Bryan snickered but rolled his head in annyonce. “I don’t know if you understand status quo, but you three should leave,” Bryan waved at us and pointed towards the door.

‘Does this guy think things will remain the same? Why is he acting like an old school bully? It baffled me at his unimaginative bulling skills.’ I chuckled as I grabbed my bag from Jeremy, and pulled Charlie to follow us. As much as I wanted to stay and stand up to this crap, instead I wanted to make sure Charlie was okay. That fall would have knocked the wind out of anyone.

I stopped suddenly because Charlie had done the same. Again Bryan was grasping onto Charlie’s jacket sleeve.

“Only you three. This one stays,” Bryan yanked Charlie towards his group.

“Go ahead and go guys,” Charlie said as he stood disheveled next to Bryan, “I’ll be good.”

‘I haven’t experienced a movie scene in a long time, but this was a classic bully verses weakling scene. Does Bryan not watch movies, doesn’t he know they never leave anyone behind?’ I handed my bag to Jeremy, walked up to Bryan, removed Bryan’s hand away from Charlie’s shoulders, and we both headed back to the guys. I was not about to act against him;it was not my style to start fights. But if need be, I would finish them.

I don’t know what was happening behind us, but I’m sure Bryan was at a loss for words. I wish I could look back and see his baffled face. ‘Priceless.’ The four of us exited the lunch hall smoothly. I know it must have been the right move, because whispers erupted from the crowd around us.

Life Of Two Best Friends: College CHPT 37

Life Of Two Best Friends: College CHPT 36


As the warm water sprayed down my back, I thought about what had happened today. I swam my butt off in that fifty, and I really have no idea how I actually swam it. ‘Like the technique.’ After that fifty, I stayed in the same position; leading the third lane of the A-Strings. Thankfully practice was just an endurance day. Lots of kicking and pulling. Nothing too exciting.

“George?” Jeremy broke my thoughts.

“Yeah,” I came back to reality.

“I asked how did that fifty feel? You were flying!” Jeremy asked but Timothy’s expression showed interest as well.

“It felt amazing. But I have no idea what I actually did technique-wise, so I don’t know if I could actually do that again,” I didn’t want to admit that, but it was the truth.

“Well,” Timothy started, “you have done it once; you’ll do it again. Especially now that Coach Jones knows you can,” Timothy gave a concerned but encouraging face.

‘True. Now that Coach Jones knows I can, he is going to want that every time. Great.’ I sighed and just continued to shower off.

Thankfully Coach Jones stated after practice that if anything happens in the locker rooms he will deal with the situation accordingly. Meaning, none of the upperclassmen bothered me.

“Let’s hurry! Coach Jones wanted to say a few more things after we all change,” Timothy said exiting the shower, and quickly drying off.

As much as I wanted to stay in the shower, I followed pursuit of Timothy, and dragged Jeremy to follow.

“Everyone present?” Coach bellowed over the voices. Silence was his answer. “Good. Now I won’t be picking strings today, because of the situtation George and Kevin had today. I want everyone to be on an even playing field when I do.”

At the mention of Kevin’s name, I searched the crowd looking for him. No such luck. I returned my attention back to Coach Jones.

“For the first two weeks, I have chosen everyone’s roommates. Some new faces will be seen in rooms and some familiar. After the first two weeks, we will hold a mock meet to determine strings. However, do not be lazy during the first two weeks; I will be looking at your effort in those practices too, when I make my descion. My upperclassmen you may leave,” Coach looked to Bryan and nodded him to be the example.

“Head out team,” Bryan yelled as he swung his bag onto his shoulder and started for the exit.

I got several glares as the upperclassmen walked past me. Especially Bryan. ‘This is going to be a fun first two weeks.’

“Now my newest freshmen. You will all be rooming together. I have the lists hanging outside. We only seem to have five new girl athletes joining us this year, so I will be assigning the larger room to you five. All othe rooms will be of four people. If you have different prefrences for the arrangments I have made, tell Coach Steve.
He will be in charge of you lot until things are finalized in two weeks. Enjoy these two weeks while you can, everything will change. You may leave,” Coach looked to Coach Steve to intiate the departure. Slowly the bodies left.

Only the high school returnees were on the deck.

“You lot will have the toughest time,” Coach had finally looked up from his clipboard.

‘Nice upbeat start to the talk. Oh, Coach Jones.’ I shook my head.

“Yep. Geroge’s reaction is correct. It is wrong that you all will be bullied and pushed around, but I know it will happen. I do not approve of hazing, but know that whatever you exprerience is less than what your upperclassmen experienced when they were in your positions. Earlier when I said give the respect they deserve I meant it. The respect they deserve! If they don’t deserve respect because of their actions, do not give them an inch. Those of you who cower in front of them now will never be out of their shadows until they graduate. Stand your ground,” Coach Jones’ voice changed from informative to engouraging towards the end.

‘Better. He is getting better.’

“If anything be like George,” Coach Jones pointed to me amoung my teammates, “He did not back down when I put him on the spot. He swam his heart out, even though it meant that all the upperclassmen would target him directly after. Maybe not all this year, but I expect several of you to knock some A-String swimmers out of their spots this year! Do not let your Coach down,” Coach started to pass out a paper. “These are the rooming assignmments I chose. You can make changes for these first two weeks, but then several of you will move. George, Timothy, and Jeremy, stay; the rest of you leave.”

Jeremy, Timothy, and I watched as our fellow teammates made their way through the doors we had entered only two hours ago.

“So Timothy,” Coach interupted our thoughts, “where is Antonio?”

“He last minute said he needed to head home urgently. I’m assuming something must have happen to his family. He wanted to continue but family came first, I suppose,” Timothy answered.

I draped my arm over Timothy’s shoulder; I know he wasn’t showing it but he was hurting since part of his swim family was gone.

“I understand. Antonio told me that someone in his family was sick, and that he would have to leave aburptly if their health declined. I understand, but I am bummed that his career is probably over. He was an amazing Breaststroker. Well, now on to current things. You three will be roommates these first two weeks. I want there to be no possibilities for problems while you three are trying to figure out college life with swimming. Get into the rhythm, but don’t get too comfortable. Once morning practices start your daily lives will seem like a blur until you get on track. Especially when you move rooms,” Coach looked at me when he finished.

‘I knew it was going to happen.’ I would have to room with upperclassmen when the Strings are determined. I understood it, but I was hoping for at least one year of peace before being thrown into the chaos. I still nodded to Coach Jones to show I understood.

“Good. Now you will have one other athlete in your room. He is in the last place of the A-Strings. I wanted you three to be able to pick his brain about college life; that is, if the upperclassmen allow him to do so. He might be a friend or maybe a foe. You will have to determine for yourself. But it will prepare you for new roommates. Be strong you three. I truly hope to see you in the A-Strings at the end of these two weeks. If not, we will do another mock meet in the middle of the year. Nothing is ever set in stone. Now get out of here,” and Coach Jones walked off and into his office.

‘I knew this year was going to be hectic, but what Coach Jones just described is more than I imagined as a freshmen. Oh well, it’s the swimming life.’ “You guys hungry? I’m hungry.” I dropped my arm off of Timothy’s shoulder and scooped up my bag.

“I’m always hungry,” Jeremy swung his bag up too.

We looked at Timothy.

“What athlete is never not hungry?” Timothy must have thought our questioning looks were rhetorical.

We started walking out the doors of the pool. Our turf. And there in our path stood a guy, maybe our age; red hair, tan skin, and posture that suggested annoyance.

“You are?” Jeremy questioned the guy; he seemed like he would not be moving out of our way.

“I’m Charlie,” the guy answered, “I’m your new roommate.”